كلية التمريض
Model No.13
Programme Specifications
علوم التمريض

Academic Year2021 - 2022
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Nursing
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titleعلوم التمريض
    2. Programme typeSingle
    3. Date of approval of the program10/05/2022
    4- Department responsible for the program
    1 - قسم تمريض العناية الحرجة والطوارئ / Faculty of Nursing
    2 - قسم التمريض الباطنى والجراحي / Faculty of Nursing
    3 - Community health nursing / Faculty of Nursing
    4 - Pediatric nursing / Faculty of Nursing
    5 - قسم تمريض صحة المرأة والتوليد / Faculty of Nursing
    6 - Nursing administration / Faculty of Nursing
    7 - Psychiatric and mental health nursing / Faculty of Nursing
    8 - Geriatric nursing / Faculty of Nursing
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- The goal of undergraduate nursing education is to prepare a general professional nurse who possesses the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable him/ her to fulfill the requirement of basic roles of BSc nurse. These basic roles are health care provide, research participant, health educator, and leader/ manager
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
    1- Delineate the basics of normal and abnormal human behaviors and interactions.
    2- States normal and abnormal structure, behaviors, and body of human.
    3- Describes etiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, and complications of common problems life threatening affecting patients with different age groups
    4- Recognize principles of nursing management of common and life threatening problems in different age groups
    5- Identifies determinants of health and principles of different levels of prevention for different age groups and settings
    6- Recognizes principles and concepts of leadership/ management, education human interactions and research
    7- Synthesizes assessment data to formulate nursing diagnoses
    8- Formulates specific nursing care plan to meet needs/ problems taking into account time frame, workload, and available resources within the context of holistic care
    9- Uses reasoning skills in prioritizing actions
    10- Synthesizes knowledge derived from the basic, medical, nursing, humanities courses for the development of decision making in practice.
    11- Assists patient/ client to make informed health care decisions
    12- Synthesizes clinical evidence in order to solve problems related to the management of patient care and the organization
    13- Uses teaching / learning principles in implementing educational activities to patient/ client and subordinates
    14- Development of critical thinking and Judgment as an important nursing skill in nursing practice
    15- Uses a range of assessment techniques appropriate to the situation to identify relevant determinants of health; physical, psychosocial and cultural needs/ problems.
    16- Implements standardized protocols and guidelines when providing nursing care
    17- Provides safe client / patient nursing care.
    18- Conducts appropriate nursing activities skillfully and in accordance with best evidence- based practices.
    19- Makes referrals to appropriate community resources.
    20- Uses informal and formal methods of teaching appropriate to the patient /client learning abilities.
    21- Documents professional judgment, decisions taken and actions implemented
    22- Measures critically the outcomes of nursing activities
    23- Applies principles and concepts of leadership / management in different health care settings.
    24- Works effectively with a team
    25- Manages effectively time, resources and sets priorities
    26- -Applies communication skills in inter-professional, social, and therapeutic context
    27- -Participates in ongoing educational activities related to professional issues
    28- Use information technology
    29- Uses problem solving skills
    30- Protects and promotes patient/ client rights to autonomy, respect, privacy, dignity and access to information
    31- Acts as a role model and mentor for less experienced nursing care providers and nursing students
    32- Communicates with patient/ client with a respect for different values, cultural, intellectual levels and emotional status
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- Bsc. program specification of Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University was developed based upon the National Academic reference Standards (NARS) that developed by the "National Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Education (NAQAE)" January Second edition 2009
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration5
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :70
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :16
    4 - Specialized courses :32
    5 - Other Courses :18
    6 - Field training:4
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -One / علوم التمريض (Nursing Science) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    CSc102Fundamental Community and Environmental Health721
    NSc101Fundamental Nursing (1) 1824Fall
    CSc106English Language (1) 52Fall
    CSc107Physical fitness and motor balance -Physical fitness and motor balance 31Fall
    NSc201Fundamental Nursing (2)52Spring
    NSc202First Aid and Accident1211Spring
    NSc203Health Assessment in Nursing 16132Spring
    MSc205Microbiology and Immunology511Spring
    CSc207English Language (2)52Spring
    CSc208Nursing Ethics51Spring
     b- Optional :  
     -الثانى / علوم التمريض (Nursing Science) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    CSc 306Communication skills and human relationships71Fall
    NSc 301Medical Surgical Nursing (1)221Fall
    MSc 303Pharmacology53Fall
    NSc302Strategy of Nursing Education and Health education32Fall
    MSc 304General Medicine62Fall
    CSc 308Culture Competency41Fall
    CSc 305Applaied Nutrition91Fall
    CSc 307Foundations of Legal aspects and Human rights62Fall
    NSc 402Emergency Nursing633Spring
    MSc 403General Surgery51Spring
    MSc 404Patho phphysiology and Clinical pathology521Spring
    NSc 401Medical Surgical Nursing (2)421Spring
    CSc 405Fundamentals of human behavior in Wellness and Illness81Spring
     b- Optional :  
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    EELc1216Legal and Professional Ethics-قانون و اخلاقيات مزاولة المهنه422
    MELC1212medical speciality-فرع من فروع الامراض الباطنية(طب المناطق الحارة-طب اورام-امراض جهاز هضمي)42
    EELc 1202Advanced Critical Care Nursing412
    MELc 1203Advanced Nursing in Specialized Surgery and Operating room42
    selc 1207Advanced Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing1212
    AELc 1208Advanced Nursing Adminstration412
    CELc 1201Advanced Community Health Nursing512
    WELc 1205Advanced Maternal&Gynecological Nursing412
    MGELc 1206Advanced Geriatric Nursing611Spring
    PELc 1204Advanced Pediatric Nursing61-1Spring
     -الثالث / علوم التمريض (Nursing Science) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    NSc 502Nursing Administrator (1)1522Fall
    NSc 503Family Health Nursing712Fall
    MSc 504Pediatric Medicine41Fall
    MSc 505Pediatric Surgery41Fall
    NSc 501Pediatric Nursing634Fall
    CSc 506Developmental Psychology51Fall
    NSc 601Maternal and Gynecological Nursing534Spring
    NSc 602Nursing Administrator (2)6299Spring
    CSc 604Research methodology92Spring
    NSc 603Midwifery521Spring
    sct1301Application Of Infection Control Standrd Precutions In Nursing Skills 5Summer
    sct1302Application Of Professional Ethics in nursing care 62Summer
    sct1303Health education and counselling 8Summer
    sct1304Applications on quality of health care services 4Summer
     b- Optional :  
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    SELc 1215Critical Thinking41
    SELc 1214Women Psychology51
    WELc 1217Self-directed Learning51
    EELc1216Legal and Professional Ethics422
    AELc 1213Hospital design41
    AELc 1218Leadership41Spring
     -الرابع / علوم التمريض (Nursing Science) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    MSc 704Geriatric Medicine41Fall
    NSc 703Evidence-Based Nursing312Fall
    CSc 705Epidemiology4100Fall
    NSc 702Gernatological Nursing521Fall
    NSc 701Community Health Nursing1534Fall
    CSc 706Bio-statistics911Fall
    NSc 802Critical Care Nursing833Spring
    NSc 801Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing123Spring
    CSc 804Application of Information Technology in Health Care Field411Spring
    MSc 803Psychiatric Medicine82Spring
     b- Optional :  
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    PEL 1211Oral and Dental Health42
    MELC1212Medical Spesialties42
    MWELc 1209Alternative Medicine in nursing Practice72Spring
    GELc 1210Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation122Spring
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- 1. To be Holder of the Secondary Education Final Certificate (scientific section) or a certificate considered as equivalent.
  • 2- 2. Graduates of the Secondary Technical Nursing Schools ,3-years system will be admitted to faculty. The accepted applicants must be acquired at least 75%. Furthermore, the applicant should pass examination at level of the general secondary final examination (Scientific Section), in the following subjects: (Chemistry- Physics- Arabic Language – English Language under the supervising of the supreme Council of the Universities ).
  • 3- 3. Graduates of Technical Institute of Health and Graduates of Technical Institute of Nursing, nursing branch are accepted to the second year of undergraduate program ,if they obtained a minimum grade of 75%upon graduation. The University council will accept only 10% of the total of students enrolled in 2ed year
  • 4- 4. The faculty accepts applicants who are holding education certificate if they pass the secondary school with scientific section.  All enrolled students should be full time students
  • 5- 5. To have the English language as the first foreign language
  • 6- 6. To pass the personal test that is held by the Faculty, Council.
  • 7- 7. To pass the medical check up.
  • 8- 8. The duration of study for Bachelor Degree of nursing shall be four academic study years followed by one mandatory internship year in the university hospitals and under the supervision of the faculty .
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University|Faculty of Nursing|علوم التمريض|One
  • 1- Students are graduated if their CGPA not less 2 according to the following,2- 2.2 : means Satisfactory,2.3- 2.9 : means Good,3- 3.5 : means very Good,3.6- 4 : means Excellent
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Nursing|علوم التمريض|الثانى
  • 2-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Nursing|علوم التمريض|الرابع
  • 3-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Nursing|علوم التمريض|الثالث
  • 4-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Nursing|علوم التمريض|الخامس
  • 5-
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
    1- Written ExamA1 : A11 - B1 : B13
    2- Oral ExamA1 : A11 - B1:B13
    3- OSCE ExamC1:C14
    4- Semester ActivitiesD1:D12 - E1:E8
    5- Clinical performance C1:C14 - D1:D12 E1:E8
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior StudentsFocus group discussion QuestionnaireFourth year and internship students
    2- 2- AlumniAnnual Students Scientific Meetings- Evaluation formats for curricula Recently Graduates
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)Focus group discussion - QuestionnaireHead nurses, hospital managers from university, health insurance and ministry of health hospitals
    4- 4- External EvaluatorReportsExternal examiners of all courses
    5- 5- Othersnonenone
    Program Coordinators :
    Nadia Mohamed Hassan Saleh