Faculty of Educations

Model (No 12)

Course Specification : فيزياء عامة ب- حرارة

2007 - 2008

Farabi Quality Management of Education and Learning - 10/3/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Educations
Department :Physics Department
1- Course data :-
Code: 121 Ph
Course title: فيزياء عامة ب- حرارة
Year/Level: أولى علوم
Program Title:
  • All Academic programmes
Teaching Hours: Theoretical: 2Tutorial: 1Practical:
2- Course aims :-
  1. to give the student the basic informations about heat transfere and first and second law of thermodynamic
3- Course Learning Outcomes :-
4- Course contents :-
1Concept of heat, temperature and thermal equilibrium.
2Mechanical equivalent of heat
3Effect of heat on materials: change of state (phase rule and phase diagram), change in size (thermal expansion with some applications and anomalous behavior of water), thermal stresses and change in color.
4Mechanism of heat transfer (simple compound walls) and thermal conductivity.
5Kinetic theory of gases.
6Kinetic calculation of pressure and temperature.
7Maxwell-Boltizmann distribution of molecular speed.
8Thermal analysis (DTA and DSC)

5- Teaching and learning methods :-

6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :-
    No data found.

7- Student assessment :-
A. Timing
B. Degree
1Mid_term examination
2Final_term examination90
3Oral examination 10
4Practical examination
5Semester work
6Other types of asessment

8- List of books and references

9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course
SContentStudy week
Concept of heat, temperature and thermal equilibrium.
Mechanical equivalent of heat
Effect of heat on materials: change of state (phase rule and phase diagram), change in size (thermal expansion with some applications and anomalous behavior of water), thermal stresses and change in color.
Mechanism of heat transfer (simple compound walls) and thermal conductivity.
Kinetic theory of gases.
Kinetic calculation of pressure and temperature.
Maxwell-Boltizmann distribution of molecular speed.
Thermal analysis (DTA and DSC)

Course Coordinator(s): -
  1. Salem Tawfiq Salem Elbasiony
Head of department: -