الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة |
الكلية :كلية التربية |
القسم :قسم اللغات الأجنبية |
1- بيانات المقرر :- |
| الرمز الكودى: | 7 | اسم المقرر: | ادب اطفال (دراما) | الفرقة: | رابعة لغة انجليزية | عنوان البرنامج: | | التخصص: | | عدد الساعات: | نظري: | 4 | فصل: | | عملى: | |
2- أهداف المقرر :- |
| - To enhance students' ability to read plays that represent different movements and periods.
- To develop students' awareness of different dramatic devices such as setting, characterization, conflict, theme, etc.
- To familiarize students with different dramatic modes: comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy, etc. and to practice reading plays exemplifying these modes.
3- نواتج التعلم المستهدفة للمقرر :- |
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4- محتويات المقرر :- |
| م | الموضوع | الأسبوع |
1 | Genres of drama | | 2 | Sasha and the Pearl: A Children's play in three acts | | 3 | Shakespeare's theatre | | 4 | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Plot Summary | | 5 | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Characterization | | 6 | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Themes | | 7 | The Dumb Waiter as an example of modern drama | | 8 | The Dumb Waiter: Summary, characters and commentary | | 9 | Death of a Salesman: Plot summary | | 10 | The Importance of Being Earnest: Plot summary | | 11 | Oedipus Rex: Plot Summary | | 12 | Essentials and the nature of drama | | 13 | Children's theatre | | 14 | Drama in schools | | 15 | Origins of drama | |
5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :- |
| م | الاسلوب |
| Selecting important quotations to read loudly with class. | | Text books | | Summary and commentary writing |
6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوى القدرات المحدودة :- |
| لا توجد بيانات. |
7- تقويم الطلاب :- |
| أ- التوقيت |
| م | الطريقة | الأسبوع |
1 | Mid-Term | Fifth | 2 | Term Paper | Tenth | 3 | Essay writing | Fifteenth |
| ب- توزيع الدرجات |
| م | الطريقة | الدرجة |
1 | امتحان نصف الترم | 10 | 2 | امتحان آخر الترم | 80 | 3 | الامتحان الشفوى | | 4 | الامتحان العملى | | 5 | أعمال الترم | | 6 | طرق أخرى للتقييم | 10 | المجموع | 100% |
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع |
| م | العنصر | النوع |
1 | Archer, W. English Dramatists of Today, 1882. | | 2 | Dukes, Ashley. Modern Dramatists. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1911 | | 3 | Frank N. Magill, ed. Critical Survey of Drama. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press, 1994. | | 4 | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice | | 5 | Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter | | 6 | www.allshakespeare.com | | 7 | www.sparknotes.com | | 8 | www.bartleby.com | |
9- مصفوفة المعارف والمهارات المستهدفة من المقرر الدراسي |
| م | المحتوى | أسبوع الدراسة |
| Genres of drama | | | Sasha and the Pearl: A Children's play in three acts | | | Shakespeare's theatre | | | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Plot Summary | | | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Characterization | | | Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice: Themes | | | The Dumb Waiter as an example of modern drama | | | The Dumb Waiter: Summary, characters and commentary | | | Death of a Salesman: Plot summary | | | The Importance of Being Earnest: Plot summary | | | Oedipus Rex: Plot Summary | | | Essentials and the nature of drama | | | Children's theatre | | | Drama in schools | | | Origins of drama | |
اساتذة المادة: - |
| - برسوم فكرى برسوم جاد
رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى: - |
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