كلية التربية
Model No.13
Programme Specifications
ليسانس الآداب والتربية لغة إنجليزية

Academic Year2005 - 2006
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 9/3/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Educations
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titleليسانس الآداب والتربية لغة إنجليزية
    2. Programme typeMultiple
    3. Date of approval of the programOctober 2005
    4- Department responsible for the program
    1 - Department of Foreign Languages / Faculty of Educations
    2 - Department of Educational Psychology / Faculty of Educations
    3 - Department of Foundations of Education / Faculty of Educations
    4 - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس / Faculty of Educations
    5 - Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies / Faculty of Educations
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- Graduating effective English language teachers who can meet the global English language teaching performance standards.
    2- Cultivating students’ mastery in English language.
    3- Enabling students to use English language creatively.
    4- Enabling students to to Understand English forms and functions.
    5- Foster students’ appreciation for the litrary tradition in English.
    6- Enabling students to understand English within its historical and cultural context.
    7- Equiping graduates with the knowledge and skills required for effective comminication in English.
    8- Enabling students to function effectively in today’s English based information environment.
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- The standards of English as a second language teacher education programs in the USA and the UK
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration4 years
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :
    4 - Specialized courses :
    5 - Other Courses :
    6 - Field training:
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -أولى لغة إنجليزية / اللغة الإنجليزية / الأدبي (لائحة 2005-2006) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    E 121Conversation(13Second Semster
    E 122Reading (1) Creative Writing3Second Semster
    E 123Grammar(13Second Semster
    E 124Introduction to Poetry21Second Semster
    E 125Introduction to Criticism12Second Semster
    ED 121Teacher & teaching Profession2Second Semster
    Psy 121Developmental Psychology2Second Semster
    1Human Rights & General Legal Principles2Second Semster
    E 126Translation into Arabic12Second Semster
    E 111Phonology (121First Semster
    Eng 121Second Foreign Language22Second Semster
    E 112Listening ( 121First Semster
    E 113Writing ( 112First Semster
    E 114History of English language3First Semster
    E 115Introduction to Drama3First Semster
    E 116Introduction to Novel3First Semster
    ED 111Education and Contemporary Issues2First Semster
    A 111Arabic Language2First Semster
     b- Optional :  
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    Curr 112+PhilOptional Cultural Course ( Environmental Education - التربية البيئية2First Semster
    Curr 112+PhilOptional Cultural Course ( Environmental Education - التفكير الفلسفى والعلمىFirst Semster
     -ثانية لغة انجليزية / شعبة اللغة الانجليزية / شعبة الأدبى (لائحة 93-2000) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    21Principles of Teaching2Second Semster
    22Civilization & History of English4Second Semster
    23Essay & Language Practice3Second Semster
    24Drama & Literary Criticism3Second Semster
    13Grammar &Phonetics (A) Phonetics5First Semster
    14Translation4First Semster
    15Novel & Prose4First Semster
    16Poetry4First Semster
    17Developmental Psychology4First Semster
    18Grammar & Phonetics (B) Grammar5Second Semster
    19Second Foreign Language4Second Semster
    20Arabic Language4Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثالثة لغة انجليزية / شعبة اللغة الانجليزية / شعبة الأدبى (لائحة 93-2000) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    33Novel & Prose4Second Semster
    34Poetry4Second Semster
    35History of Education4Second Semster
    36Educational Psychology22Second Semster
    37Teaching Aids22Second Semster
    38Drama & Literary Criticism3Second Semster
    39Student Teaching4Second Semster
    56Teaching Skills2Second Semster
    57Computer11Second Semster
    25Essay & Language Practice4First Semster
    26Phonetics4First Semster
    27Translation4First Semster
    28Teaching Methods4First Semster
    29Social Psychology2First Semster
    30Social Foundations of Education22First Semster
    31Education & Societal Problems2First Semster
    32Grammar4Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -رابعة لغة انجليزية / شعبة اللغة الانجليزية / شعبة الأدبى (لائحة 93-2000) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    42Grammar & Phonetics (A) Phonetics4First Semster
    51Philosophical Foundations of Education22Second Semster
    52Curricula4Second Semster
    53Mental Hygiene , Counseling & Guidance4Second Semster
    54Drama & Literary Criticism3Second Semster
    55Student Teaching4Second Semster
    57Teaching Skills2Second Semster
    43Novel & Prose4First Semster
    44Poetry4First Semster
    45Comparative Education4First Semster
    45Teaching Methods4First Semster
    47Educational Psychology22First Semster
    48Essay & Language Practice4Second Semster
    49Grammar & Phonetics (B) Grammar4Second Semster
    50Translation4Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- Having the General Secondary Stage Certificate with the prcentage decided by the Admission Bureau
  • 2- Passing the Admission Tests organized by the Faculty
  • 3- Meeting the standards of distributing students among the academic departments that are decided upon by the faculty council
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University|Faculty of Educations|الأدبي|اللغة الإنجليزية|أولى لغة إنجليزية
  • 1- The student moves from the first year to the second year, if s/he succeeds in all the academic courses. If s/he fails in one or two academic courses, s/he can still move to the second year.,The student is dismissed from the faculty, if s/he fails for two consecutive years.
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Educations|شعبة الأدبى|شعبة اللغة الانجليزية|ثانية لغة انجليزية
  • 2- The student can not move from the second year to the third year, unless s/he succeeds in all the academic courses. If s/he fails in one or two courses, s/he can be examined in September.
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Educations|شعبة الأدبى|شعبة اللغة الانجليزية|ثالثة لغة انجليزية
  • 3- The student moves from the third year to the fourth year, if s/he succeeds in all the academic courses. If s/he fails in one or two academic courses, s/he can still move to the fourth year.
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Educations|شعبة الأدبى|شعبة اللغة الانجليزية|رابعة لغة انجليزية
  • 4- The student can not be graduated, unless s/he succeeds in all the academic courses. If s/he fails in one or two courses, s/he can be examined in September.
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior StudentsA Questionnaire on the Internet
    2- 2- AlumniA Questionnaire
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)A Questionnaire
    4- 4- External EvaluatorNot Yet
    5- 5- OthersNot Yet
    Program Coordinators :
    Asmaa Abdel-Moneim Mostufa Mahmoud
    Barsom Fekri Barsom Gad