كلية العلوم

نموذج رقم(12)

توصيف مقرر دراسي : مغناطيسية - موجيات

2010 - 2011

الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة
الكلية :كلية العلوم
القسم :الفيزياء
1- بيانات المقرر :-
الرمز الكودى: 33216
اسم المقرر: مغناطيسية - موجيات
الفرقة: ثانية جيوفيزيقا
عنوان البرنامج:
  • B.Sc. Geophysics
عدد الساعات: نظري: 4فصل: عملى: 4
2- أهداف المقرر :-
  1. Introduce the concept of the propagation of waves.
  2. Enable the student to use circular motion and simple harmonic motion.
  3. •Acquaint the student with the fact that the superposition of two waves.
  4. Outline the basic information of the damping oscillations and forced oscillations.
  5. Introduce the students to the concept of the propagation of waves in strings rodsand gases.
  6. Introduce the student to the concept of the wave nature of light.
  7. Study the magnetism is important from both fundamental and applied viewpoints.
  8. Introduce to the principles and behavior of magnetic systems.
3- نواتج التعلم المستهدفة للمقرر :-
4- محتويات المقرر :-
1Superposition of two waves with different frequencies, amplitude and phase move in the same direction
2Superposition of two waves with different frequencies, amplitude and phase move in perpendicular directions
3Damping oscillations and forced oscillations
4Oscillating groups in one, two and three dimensions
5Two and Three dimensions plane waves and Stationary waves
6Propagation of Waves in Strings
7Propagation of Waves in Rods and in gasses
8Study the change in frequency of the moving Source and Detector (Pettlier Effect)
9Magnetism: Magnetization and magnetic field strength,Diamagnetism and Langevin equation of diamagnetism
10Paramagnetism and Cuire - Weiss law,Determination of Magnetic susceptibility +Gouy Method , Faraday Method , and N MR Method
11Magnetic Interactions ,Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic domains
12Hysteresis loops,Types of Magnetic Resonances
13Antiferromagnetism , Ferrimagnetism , Spin waves and Helimagnetism
14Soft magnetic materials and it’s applications ,Hard magnetic materials and it’s applications
15Waves: Circular motion and simple Harmonic motion

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :-
Lectures using data show and board.
Discussion sessions
Class activity.
Laboratory work

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوى القدرات المحدودة :-
  1. No

7- تقويم الطلاب :-
أ- التوقيت
1final exam14
2oral exam14
3practical exam12
ب- توزيع الدرجات
1امتحان نصف الترم0
2امتحان آخر الترم70
3الامتحان الشفوى10
4الامتحان العملى20
5أعمال الترم0
6طرق أخرى للتقييم0

8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع
1 Lecture notes prepared by physics department
2The physics of vibrations and waves by H.J. Pain,2003
3Vibrations and Waves by A.P. French,2004
4 Physics for Scientists and Engineers Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett6th Edition, 2004. Book

9- مصفوفة المعارف والمهارات المستهدفة من المقرر الدراسي
مالمحتوىأسبوع الدراسة
Superposition of two waves with different frequencies, amplitude and phase move in the same direction
Superposition of two waves with different frequencies, amplitude and phase move in perpendicular directions
Damping oscillations and forced oscillations
Oscillating groups in one, two and three dimensions
Two and Three dimensions plane waves and Stationary waves
Propagation of Waves in Strings
Propagation of Waves in Rods and in gasses
Study the change in frequency of the moving Source and Detector (Pettlier Effect)
Magnetism: Magnetization and magnetic field strength,Diamagnetism and Langevin equation of diamagnetism
Paramagnetism and Cuire - Weiss law,Determination of Magnetic susceptibility +Gouy Method , Faraday Method , and N MR Method
Magnetic Interactions ,Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic domains
Hysteresis loops,Types of Magnetic Resonances
Antiferromagnetism , Ferrimagnetism , Spin waves and Helimagnetism
Soft magnetic materials and it’s applications ,Hard magnetic materials and it’s applications
Waves: Circular motion and simple Harmonic motion

اساتذة المادة: -
  1. محروص شاكر ميخائيل جرجس
رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى: -
محمد عبد القادر حسن مدكور