Faculty of Science

Model (No 12)

Course Specification : جيوفيزيقا عامة

2010 - 2011

Farabi Quality Management of Education and Learning - 10/3/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Science
Department :Geology Department
1- Course data :-
Code: 33204
Course title: جيوفيزيقا عامة
Year/Level: ثانية جيوفيزيقا
Program Title:
  • B.Sc. Geophysics
Teaching Hours: Theoretical: 4Tutorial: 4Practical:
2- Course aims :-
  1. Introduce the principles of geophysical exploration methods.
  2. Enable the students to process the geophysical data.
  3. Acquire the students skills of treating data of these indirect methods.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :-
4- Course contents :-
1Principles and limitations of geophysical exploration methods.
2Elements of seismic methods.
3Seismic reflection methods.
4Seismic refraction methods.
5Well logging methods.
6Geothermal methods.
7Radar methods.
8Gravity methods.
9Magnetic methods.
10Geoelectric methods.

5- Teaching and learning methods :-
Lectures using board and multimedia classroom.
Technical field trips.
Practical exercises.

6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :-
  1. The same as normal students, only skeletal disabilities are allowed in the Faculty of Science.

7- Student assessment :-
A. Timing
1 Quizzes - Discussion.4,6,8
2Practical exam.13
3Oral exam.14
4Final written exam.14
B. Degree
1Mid_term examination0
2Final_term examination70
3Oral examination 10
4Practical examination 20
5Semester work0
6Other types of asessment0

8- List of books and references
1P. Kearey and M. Brooks, 1984 : "An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration" , ELBS.
2N. H. Sleep and K. Fujita,1997 : " Principles of Geophysics" , Blackwell Sciencs.
3M. B. Dobrin and C. H. Savit,1988 :" Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting" , 4th edition, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co.,
4Telford, W.M. et al. (1990): Applied geophysics, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press.
5Egyptian Journal of Geology - Journal of Geophysics.

9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course
SContentStudy week
Principles and limitations of geophysical exploration methods.
Elements of seismic methods.
Seismic reflection methods.
Seismic refraction methods.
Well logging methods.
Geothermal methods.
Radar methods.
Gravity methods.
Magnetic methods.
Geoelectric methods.

Course Coordinator(s): -
  1. Hamdy Hamed Ali Sesah
Head of department: -
Salah Nasr Ebrahim Ayad