الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة |
الكلية :كلية العلوم |
القسم :الكيمياء |
1- بيانات المقرر :- |
| الرمز الكودى: | 48303 | اسم المقرر: | كيمياءالموادالدهنيةوتمثيلهاالغذائى كيمياءالمواد | الفرقة: | ثالثة كيمياء وكيمياء حيوية | عنوان البرنامج: | | التخصص: | | عدد الساعات: | نظري: | 4 | فصل: | | عملى: | 6 |
2- أهداف المقرر :- |
| - For Students undertaking this course, the aims are to:
Introduce the basic information of lipids and carbohydrates
- Introduce the basic concepts of lipids and carbohydrates in body fluids
- Study the physical and chemical properties of major classes of lipids and carbohydrates
- Study of different metabolic roles and pathways of lipids and carbohydrates
3- نواتج التعلم المستهدفة للمقرر :- |
| |
4- محتويات المقرر :- |
| م | الموضوع | الأسبوع |
1 | Lipid Chemistry and Metabolism: Basic principles, Introduction, Definition and Classification of lipids. | | 2 | Acylglycerol, Natural of fatty acids, hydrophilic and hydrophobic character. Storage of fatty acidsas TAG. | | 3 | Utilization of fatty acids for energy production.?, ?, ? and ?- oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. | | 4 | Ketone bodies production and utilization | | 5 | Phospholipids and sphingolipids, synthesis and utilization. Biological membranes. | | 6 | Cholesterol biosynthesis, plasma cholesterol | | 7 | Biosynthesis and biological significance of Prostaglandins, Thrombaxons and Leukotrienes. | | 8 | Clinical Application :Obesity, Genatic abnormalities of lipid energy transport, Carintine deficiency, Diabetic keto acidosis, Atherosclerosis and Gaucher’s diseases. | | 9 | Carbohydrates Chemistry and Metabolism | | 10 | Basic principles, Introduction, Derivatives and Classification of Carbohydrates.;The glycolytic pathwayes: Metabolism of glucose by various human cells.Regulation of glycolysis. Hormonal control of glycolysis | | 11 | Energy production and Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Regulation of TCA; Gluconegenesis: Utilization, Regulation and. Significant of the pathway. | | 12 | Pentose phosphate pathway: Utilization, Regulation and Significant of the pathways | | 13 | Glycogen metabolism: Glycogenolysis and glygogenesis; Complex suger: Protoglycans and glycoproteins | | 14 | Clinical Application: Dibetes Melletus, Lactic acidosis and glycogen storage diseases | | 15 | Practical: Estimate the lipids and carbohydrates in blood and other biological samples | |
5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :- |
| م | الاسلوب |
| Lectures using data show and board | | Home works, reports and discussion groups | | Laboratory work |
6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوى القدرات المحدودة :- |
| - lectures
- practicals
7- تقويم الطلاب :- |
| أ- التوقيت |
| م | الطريقة | الأسبوع |
1 | Final exam | 14 | 2 | Oral exam | 14 | 3 | Practical exam | 12 | 4 | Quizzes | 4, 8, 12 | 5 | Report | 10 |
| ب- توزيع الدرجات |
| م | الطريقة | الدرجة |
1 | امتحان نصف الترم | 0 | 2 | امتحان آخر الترم | 70 | 3 | الامتحان الشفوى | 10 | 4 | الامتحان العملى | 20 | 5 | أعمال الترم | 0 | 6 | طرق أخرى للتقييم | 0 | المجموع | 100% |
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع |
| م | العنصر | النوع |
1 | 6.1- Course Notes Biochemistry Note book | | 2 | 6.2-Essential Books (Text Book of Biochemistry) Harper’s Biochemistry, Twenty-second Edition | | 3 | 6.3- Recommended Books Textbook of biochemistry with clinical correlations, Thomas M. Devlin. Third Edn. (1992) | | 4 | 6.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, ...etc http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ | |
9- مصفوفة المعارف والمهارات المستهدفة من المقرر الدراسي |
| م | المحتوى | أسبوع الدراسة |
| Lipid Chemistry and Metabolism: Basic principles, Introduction, Definition and Classification of lipids. | | | Acylglycerol, Natural of fatty acids, hydrophilic and hydrophobic character. Storage of fatty acidsas TAG. | | | Utilization of fatty acids for energy production.?, ?, ? and ?- oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. | | | Ketone bodies production and utilization | | | Phospholipids and sphingolipids, synthesis and utilization. Biological membranes. | | | Cholesterol biosynthesis, plasma cholesterol | | | Biosynthesis and biological significance of Prostaglandins, Thrombaxons and Leukotrienes. | | | Clinical Application :Obesity, Genatic abnormalities of lipid energy transport, Carintine deficiency, Diabetic keto acidosis, Atherosclerosis and Gaucher’s diseases. | | | Carbohydrates Chemistry and Metabolism | | | Basic principles, Introduction, Derivatives and Classification of Carbohydrates.;The glycolytic pathwayes: Metabolism of glucose by various human cells.Regulation of glycolysis. Hormonal control of glycolysis | | | Energy production and Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Regulation of TCA; Gluconegenesis: Utilization, Regulation and. Significant of the pathway. | | | Pentose phosphate pathway: Utilization, Regulation and Significant of the pathways | | | Glycogen metabolism: Glycogenolysis and glygogenesis; Complex suger: Protoglycans and glycoproteins | | | Clinical Application: Dibetes Melletus, Lactic acidosis and glycogen storage diseases | | | Practical: Estimate the lipids and carbohydrates in blood and other biological samples | |
اساتذة المادة: - |
| - محمد محمد أحمد النجار
رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى: - |
| عوض ابراهيم أحمد محمد |