كلية العلوم
نموذج رقم(13)
توصيف برنامج دراسى
Botany and Chemistry

العام الأكاديمي2007 - 2008
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 23/2/2025
الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة
الكلية :كلية العلوم
  • أ- معلومات أساسية 
    1. عنوان البرنامجBotany and Chemistry
    2. طبيعة البرنامجمشترك
    3. تاريخ إقرار البرنامج8/3/2009
    4. القسم المسئول عن البرنامج
    1 - قسم النبات / كلية العلوم
  • ب- معلومات متخصصة : 
     1- الأهداف العامة للبرنامج 
    1- Introduce graduates to the major critical approaches in botany & chemistry providing a 50% component of a joint BSc degree which gives a balanced view of both subjects and the associated practical skills.
    2- Introduce the key disciplines underpinning an understanding of botany and chemistry by teaching curricula that reflects modern research within a framework of established scientific principles, including plant biology, systematic botany, plant genetics, plant physiology & ecology, microbiology, virology, microbial physiology, as well as analytical, inorganic, organic, physical and phytochemistry.
    3- Introduce programme courses will progressively develop student’s skills and interests.
    4- To provide a Botany and chemistry curricula enhanced by an active research environment that will encourage critical thinking.
    5- Stimulate an informed interest in Botany-Chemistry and engender an awareness of how current developments and biotechnology affect the overall well being of our planet and society.
    6- Educate students with an understanding of the essential principles and applications of organic, inorganic and physical chemistry and to equip students with skills that enable them to pursue careers in science-related disciplines and commerce.
    7- Educate the student in the use of simple and more advanced chemical laboratory techniques and the application of these techniques to problems in contemporary science.
    8- Equip graduates with the personal transferable skills, written communication, oral presentation, structured discussion & information technology, needed by science-biology- graduates, and a wide knowledge and understanding of core subject matter enabling them to become effective professional, within the two areas of study by the provision of a challenging innovative teaching and learning environment which empowers the active learning and encourage critical thinking.
    9- Encourage consideration of ethical aspects relating to botany and chemistry, enabling graduates to make an informed contribution to social issue relating to bioscience by engaging in critical assessment and intellectual argument.
    10- Provide graduates with the modern subjects and techniques as molecular biology and the basics of numeric and computational tools (such as IT; statics) as well as process and interpret quantitative data and solve problems in both concerned disciplines, manage time effectively, work independently and in team as well as adopt self-learning.
    11- Provide a flexible programme which meets much of the Quality Assurance Agency Benchmark Statements for ‘Biosciences’ within either an organismal biology or an ecology and behaviour stream.
    2- المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه من البرنامج 
     3- المعايير الأكاديمية للبرنامج 
     4- العلامات المرجعية 
    1- KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING : 1. Processes and mechanisms that have shaped the natural world in term. For example, the complexity from the environmental to the cellular 2. The influence of living organism in environment and vise versa The terminology, nomenclature and classification systems allocated to his biological organisms 4. The methods applied for interpreting and analyzing biological information 5. The developmental stages of the programme related organisms and its evolution.
    2- CONTINUED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING : 6. The taxa limit and numerate the characteristic habitat features of common organisms. 7. The physiological aspects of organisms. The complexity and diversity of life processes through the study of representative organisms, their molecular cellular and physiological processes, their genetics. 9. Chemical concepts , nomenclature, formula and units 10. The principals, procedures and techniques used in chemical analysis, characterization and structural investigation of different chemical compounds
    3- CONTINUED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING : 11. The major types of chemical reaction, their characteristics and mechanisms as well as their kinetics including catalysis 12. The current issues of chemical research and technological development 13. The importance of chemistry in other area of science, technology and industry
    4- INTELLECTUAL SKILLS: 1. Compare and differentiate between subject-related theories and assess their concepts and/ or principles. 2. Analyzing, synthesizing and summarizing information critically, including published research or reports 3. Construct several integrated lines related to the specific subject to confirm, make evidence and test hypothesis 4. Interpret the subject knowledge and understanding to solve a problem 5. Formulate data, and select the proper mechanism of its setting within a theoretical framework. 6. Modify the available data or theory to cope with the specific subject.
    5- CONTINUED INTELLECTUAL SKILLS: 7. Assess the impact and the interrelationship between a specific organism and its ecosystem. 8. Confirm results with different scientific based issues. 9. Deduce a scientific output from the given information. 10. Apply knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts and principals to the solution of familiar problems in both qualitative and quantitative 11. Synthesize, evaluate, and interoperate of chemical data and information 12. Employ computation and data processing skills in handling of chemical information and data analysis
    6- PROFESSIONAL AND PRACTICAL SKILLS: 1. Compare between different methods or theories to judge the priority of one of them 2. Assess the received data or samples and responding to a variety of sources of information: textual, numerical, verbal, graphical. 3. Solve of certain problem using a range of formats and approaches, present this subject appropriately to a variety of audiences 4. Summarize a certain topic, citing it in appropriate manner, with supporting references 5. Recommend the methods used for preparing, processing, interpreting and presenting data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques, statistical programs, spreadsheets and programs for presenting data visually
    7- CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL AND PRACTICAL SKILLS: 6. Solving problems by a variety of methods including the use of computers and / or other recent tools 7. Designing, planning, conducting and reporting on investigations, which may involve primary or secondary data (e.g from survey database) 8. Obtaining, recording, collecting and analyzing data using appropriate techniques in the field and \ or laboratory 9. Appling field and \ or laboratory investigations of living systems in responsible, safe and ethical manner 10. Preparation of laboratory and field facilities to carry out certain experiment
    8- CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL AND PRACTICAL SKILLS: 11. Examine the related biological organ or system and relate it to its group 12. Prepare, analyze, present data of an experiment in digital or poster form 13. Selection of a representative sample; recording and analyzing data in the field and \ or the laboratory considering its validity, accuracy, calibration, precision, reliability and uncertainly during collection. 14. Asses risk in laboratory work taking into account the specific hazards associated with the use of chemical materials as well as the safe and proper operation of the laboratory instruments 15. Plane, design and execute practical measurements from the problem recognition stage to the evaluation and interpretation of results and reporting
    9- GENERAL AND TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: 1. Use information and communication technology. 2. Identify role and responsibilities and their performing manner Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on ethical scientific basis. 4. Work in group, and communicate with other positively. 5. Consider community linked ethics and traditions.
    10- CONTINUED GENERAL AND TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: 6. Acquire the life –long learning and considering the community-linked problems. 7. Deal with scientific data in Arabic and English. 8. Use effectively scientific models systems and tools. 9. Market of scientific patents exhibits the sense and neatness.
    5- هيكل ومكونات البرنامج 
     أ - مدة البرنامج4 years (8 terms)
     ب - هيكل البرنامج
    1- عدد الساعات /عدد الوحدات :
    عدد الساعاتالنسبة
    2- مقررات العلوم الأساسية :
    3 - مقررات العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية :
    4 - مقررات علوم التخصص :
    5 - مقررات من علوم أخري(حاسب آلي و ..) :
    6 - التدريب الميداني:after third year
     د - مقررات البرنامج
     -أولى بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    41116أسس علم التصنيف - وراثة34فصل دراسى تانى
    41117فسيولوجى - تشريح (1)34فصل دراسى تانى
    41118كيمياء غير عضوية وعامة34فصل دراسى تانى
    41119تفاضل وتكامل - جبر وهندسة44فصل دراسى تانى
    11012ححقوق الانسان2فصل دراسى اول
    41101خلية وأنسجة - علم الأجنة - علم الشكل الوظيفة34فصل دراسى اول
    41102شكل ظاهرى - تقسيم فسيولوجى34فصل دراسى اول
    41103كيمياء فيزيائية34فصل دراسى اول
    41104ضوء وحرارة - كهربية وخواص مادة44فصل دراسى اول
    41105علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى اول
    411110لغة إنجليزية22فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثانية بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    40201طحالب-فسيولوجيا البذور والنمو-بكتريا وإكتيومايستات44فصل دراسى اول
    40202حشرات - حبليات44فصل دراسى اول
    40203كيمياء عضوية414فصل دراسى اول
    40204تحليل طيفى - ضوء فيزيائى44فصل دراسى اول
    40216بيئه غطاء نباتى-بيئة تربة-تصنيف زهرى-نبات اقتصادى44فصل دراسى تانى
    40217لا فقاريات - حشرات44فصل دراسى تانى
    40218كيمياء فيزيائية وغير عضوية وتحليلية414فصل دراسى تانى
    40219رياضة بحته32فصل دراسى تانى
    402110لغة إنجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    40205علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى اول
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثالثة نبات وكيمياء / شعبة نبات وكيمياء / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    43301فطريات212فصل دراسى اول
    43302خلية - فسيولوجيا426فصل دراسى اول
    43303كيمياء فيزيائية414فصل دراسى اول
    43304كيمياء غير عضوية وتحليلية44فصل دراسى اول
    43316تصنيف زهرى - شكل مقارن - تشريح426فصل دراسى تانى
    43315بكتريا - اكتيومايستات - ركتسيا212فصل دراسى تانى
    43317كيمياء عضوية418فصل دراسى تانى
    43318إحصاء حيوى2فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -رابعة نبات وكيمياء / شعبة نبات وكيمياء / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    43401نبات (2)426فصل دراسى اول
    43402نبات (3) أ224فصل دراسى اول
    43403كيمياء (3)48فصل دراسى اول
    43415نبات (1)422فصل دراسى تانى
    43416نبات (3) ب24فصل دراسى تانى
    43417كيمياء (1)44فصل دراسى تانى
    43418كيمياء (2)44فصل دراسى تانى
    43419مقال أو بحث2فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
    6- محتويات المقررات 
    راجع استمارات توصيف المقررات
     7- متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج (وفقا للائحة) 
  • 1- Thanaweia amma, science sector, or any other equvilant certificate
  •  8- القواعد المنظمة لاستكمال البرنامج 
    جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|أولى بيولوجى
  • 1- First Year/Level/Semester 1 in table first year ,First Year/Level/Semester 2 in table first year,stunent should not failed in more than two subject to pass the next level
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|ثانية بيولوجى
  • 2- Second Year/Level/Semester 1 in table Second year ,Second Year/Level/Semester 2 in table Second year,stunent should not failed in more than two subject to pass the next level
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة نبات وكيمياء|ثالثة نبات وكيمياء
  • 3- Third Year/Level/Semester 1 in table Third year ,Second Year/Level/Semester 2 in table Third year,stunent should not failed in more than two subject to pass the next level
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة نبات وكيمياء|رابعة نبات وكيمياء
  • 4- Fourth Year/Level/Semester 1 in table Fourthyear ,Fourth Year/Level/Semester 1 in table Fourth year ,stunent should not failed in any subject to to have B.Sc.
  •  9- طرق و قواعد تقييم الملتحقين بالبرنامج 
    مالطريقةما تقيسه من المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه
     10- طرق تقويم البرنامج 
    مالقائم بالتقويمالوسيلةالعينة
    1- 1- طلاب الفرقة النهائيةQuestionnaires50%
    2- 2- الخريجونQuestionnaires50%
    3- 3- أصحاب الأعمالQuestionnaires50%
    4- 4- مقيم خارجي أو ممتحن خارجيReports 100%
    5- 5- طرق أخريNothing
    منسق البرنامج :
    مرفت حسنى حسين ابراهيم