الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة |
الكلية :كلية العلوم |
القسم :قسم النبات |
1- بيانات المقرر :- |
| الرمز الكودى: | 43302 | اسم المقرر: | خلية - فسيولوجيا | الفرقة: | ثالثة نبات وكيمياء | عنوان البرنامج: | | التخصص: | | عدد الساعات: | نظري: | 4 | فصل: | 2 | عملى: | 6 |
2- أهداف المقرر :- |
| - Growth and development of plants
- study the Nutrientional requirements of plants
- transport of salts and biommolecules within the plant
- study Plant Hormones, their identification, occurrence, physiological effects & mode of action as well as its role in the strategies adopted by plants to withstand environmental stresses
- study Relationship between water and plants
- describe Plant cell structure and function
3- نواتج التعلم المستهدفة للمقرر :- |
| |
4- محتويات المقرر :- |
| م | الموضوع | الأسبوع |
1 | The relation of the plant cell to dissolved substances (permeability) | | 2 | Essential and non essential elements in plants | | 3 | Specific roles of essential elements and their symptoms deficiency | | 4 | Mineral salt absorption- mechanism and availability. | | 5 | Translocation and distribution of ions | | 6 | Plant growth bioregulators (hormones) | | 7 | Germination and dormancy | | 8 | Growth and development | | 9 | State and movement of water in soils | | 10 | Water absorption by plant and movement through plant | | 11 | Transpiration and stomatal physiology | | 12 | Drought resistance in plants | | 13 | Historical review of ultra plant cell structure. Cell as a unit of all living organisms Kinds of cells shape and size | | 14 | Biological membranes, chemical constituents and ultra structure - | | 15 | Cytoplasmic organells as revealed by light and electron microscope | | 16 | Ultra structures and function of endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, Golgy compex, mitochondria, microbodies, lysosomes and vacuoles | | 17 | Nucleus and chromosomes/ Cell cycle and cell division | | 18 | Ultrastructure and function of plastids with special emphases on chloroplast and photosynthesis (C3, C4 CAM plants) | |
5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :- |
| م | الاسلوب |
| Lecture (4 hours /week) | | Practical ( laboratory practice – conducting experiments and writing reports - 6 hours /week) | | Tutorial discussions (2 hours /week)
Homework assignments (formative)
6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوى القدرات المحدودة :- |
| - none
7- تقويم الطلاب :- |
| أ- التوقيت |
| م | الطريقة | الأسبوع |
1 | Practical Exam | 13 | 2 | Written Exam | 14 | 3 | Oral Exam | 14 | 4 | Quizzes (formative) | 6-12 | 5 | Course work (formative) | Every two weeks |
| ب- توزيع الدرجات |
| م | الطريقة | الدرجة |
1 | امتحان نصف الترم | 0 | 2 | امتحان آخر الترم | 70 | 3 | الامتحان الشفوى | 10 | 4 | الامتحان العملى | 20 | 5 | أعمال الترم | 0 | 6 | طرق أخرى للتقييم | 0 | المجموع | 100% |
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع |
| م | العنصر | النوع |
1 | Department Plant Physiology Book for 3rd year | | 2 | Principle of plant nutrition( K.Mengel & E.A.Kirkly) | | 3 | Plant Physiology (4th edition) ( R.Devlin.& H.Witham) | | 4 | Department Book Cytology for 3 rd year botany | | 5 | The cell, a molecular approach (Cooper) | | 6 | Plant chromosomes (Sharma) | | 7 | Fundamentals of Plant Physiology V. K. Jain, 2005 | | 8 | Plant and Soil Water Relationships A Modern Synthesis Paul J. Kramer, 1978 TA TA McGRAW – Hill Publishing Company ltd | | 9 | Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants – 2nd edition Horst Marschner, 1988 Academic Press | | 10 | Plant Cell Structure and Function | |
9- مصفوفة المعارف والمهارات المستهدفة من المقرر الدراسي |
| م | المحتوى | أسبوع الدراسة |
| The relation of the plant cell to dissolved substances (permeability) | | | Essential and non essential elements in plants | | | Specific roles of essential elements and their symptoms deficiency | | | Mineral salt absorption- mechanism and availability. | | | Translocation and distribution of ions | | | Plant growth bioregulators (hormones) | | | Germination and dormancy | | | Growth and development | | | State and movement of water in soils | | | Water absorption by plant and movement through plant | | | Transpiration and stomatal physiology | | | Drought resistance in plants | | | Historical review of ultra plant cell structure. Cell as a unit of all living organisms Kinds of cells shape and size | | | Biological membranes, chemical constituents and ultra structure - | | | Cytoplasmic organells as revealed by light and electron microscope | | | Ultra structures and function of endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, Golgy compex, mitochondria, microbodies, lysosomes and vacuoles | | | Nucleus and chromosomes/ Cell cycle and cell division | | | Ultrastructure and function of plastids with special emphases on chloroplast and photosynthesis (C3, C4 CAM plants) | |
اساتذة المادة: - |
| - ماجدة ابراهيم محمود سليمان
رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى: - |
| محمد نجيب عبد الغنى حسنين |