كلية العلوم
نموذج رقم(13)
توصيف برنامج دراسى
Special Botany

العام الأكاديمي2007 - 2008
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة
الكلية :كلية العلوم
  • أ- معلومات أساسية 
    1. عنوان البرنامجSpecial Botany
    2. طبيعة البرنامجأحادى
    3. تاريخ إقرار البرنامج8-3-2009
    4. القسم المسئول عن البرنامج
    1 - قسم النبات / كلية العلوم
  • ب- معلومات متخصصة : 
     1- الأهداف العامة للبرنامج 
    1- Providing basic knowledge and understanding of the scientific theories, facts, concepts, principles and techniques in botany and other related branches e.g. biochemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry…..etc.
    2- Acquiring skills on the modern subjects and techniques as molecular biology and nanotechnology. Understanding the developmental steps of the complexity, diversity, characteristics of the plant kingdom classes and their economic importance.
    3- Understanding and forming knowledge about scientific basis of classification of living organisms as well as the principles of plant taxonomy.Acquiring knowledge about the morphology of different types and forms of plants and their modified parts, with using the scientific basis of plant description
    4- Understanding and forming knowledge about the internal structure of different plant organs, tissues and cells and acquire the student a set of skills which give the ability to understand the secondary growth of plant. Understanding the basic principals of seed structure and its types. Physiological changes during germination also seed dormancy as well as physiology of growth in stem root, leaf, bud and flowers.
    5- Studying systematic position, morphology, anatomy, ecology, evolution, development and life cycles of archegoniate plants through a comparative study of living and extinct specimens. Acquiring an understanding of the soil as a reservoir and a medium for the various microorganisms as well as the soil fauna and soil micro flora.
    6- Understanding the mechanism of absorption and translocation of water and elements as well as symptoms of their deficiency. Understanding and acquire knowledge about enzymes and their characteristics as biocatalysts and learning basis on respiration and photosynthesis.
    7- Knowing what are bacteria and Actinomycetes? Their classification and acquire knowledge about examples of useful and harmful bacteria and explain the role of bacteria in carbon and nitrogen cycles in nature. Gaining an appreciation of the diversity of fungal flora and have the ability for isolation from different sources and their nutritional requirements, identification, classification.
    8- Undertaking experience and gaining skills of classification, cultivation, isolation, purification and preservation of virus from different hosts and their application and control. Awaring of the meaning and types of immunity
    9- Developing a set of skills that enable the student to understand pollution and recognize the major pollutants and how to control. Developing a set of skills that enable student to understand the reciprocal relationship between plants and environment and build a vision about the different ecosystems in Egypt and its characteristic features.
    10- Understanding and forming knowledge about general characters of climate and its effects on plant distribution allover the world and throw light on the major ecosystems of the world. Knowing historical notes on the flora of Egypt and characteristics of the flora Study the different parameters to be assessed and measured in the field.
    11- The student is aware of the origin of the different organelles as well as their connection and Cytogenetics. Developing a set of skills that enable student to understand the basic principles of inheritance, mutation kinds and gene expression as well as phage genetics including mechanism of transduction.
    12- Understanding concepts and principles in applied microbiology, biotechnology and industrial fermentation processes.
    13- Developing the skills of using IT and making literature survey and developed self-awareness and general skills of writing an essay as well as presentation and discussion.
    14- Acquiring the student an understanding and forming knowledge about host parasite inter-relationships and undertaking experience and gaining skills to compare between infected and healthy plants
    15- Developing a set of skills about atom structure, radioactive isotopes, types of ionizing radiation, dose, units and instruments measuring radiation and gaining skills about direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation including somatic and genetic effects
    2- المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه من البرنامج 
     3- المعايير الأكاديمية للبرنامج 
     4- العلامات المرجعية 
    1- 1. know, understand, assess, evaluate and recognize different levels of organization in biological systems: cells, tissues and organs, organisms 2. Identify, characterize different communities and ecosystems supporting the biological organism. 3. Acquire the modern subjects and techniques as molecular biology and nanotechnology. 4. Understanding of life’s basic processes in relation to organisms and ecosystems. 5. Function within multi-multidisciplinary teams. 6. Acquire the basics of numeric and computational tools (such as: IT, statistics, bioinformatics and the newly developed subject). 7. Collect, summarize and present data, undertake professional and ethical responsibilities. 8. Design, conduct and interpret data of practical investigations (in labs or fields). 9. Work in group, and communicate effectively with others. 10. Criticize, postulate solutions, and deduces the solutions mechanisms and develops judgments in scientific bases.
    2- National Academic Reference Standards of Biological Sciences National Academic Reference Standards mentioned here justify and characterizes the skills and achievements of the from Biological sciences graduate students. Biological Sciences described here are those related to basic science sector, addressed mainly to the graduates from Faculty of Science (Zoology, Botany and Entomology as major degree, double 18 majors and subsidiary specialization (microbiology, marine biology, microbiology-chemistry, oceanography, oceanography-chemistry, Environmental biology, …
    3- Acquiring knowledge and understanding of: 1. Processes and mechanisms that have shaped the natural world in terms. For example, the complexity from the environmental to the cellular. 2. The influence of living organism in environment and vise versa. 3. The terminology, nomenclature and classification systems allocated to his biological organism/s. 4. The methods applied for interpreting and analyzing biological information. 5. The developmental stages of the program related organisms and its evolution. 6. The taxa limit and numerate the characteristic habitat features of common organisms. 7. The physiological aspects of organisms. 8. The complexity and diversity of life processes through the study of representative organisms, their molecular, cellular and physiological processes, their genetics.
    4- Skills The biological science graduate at the bachelor’s honors degree in should be able to acquire a wide range of different skills numerated as follows: Intellectual skills The ability to: 1. Compare and differentiate between subject-related theories and assess their concepts and/or principles. 2. Analyzing, synthesizing and summarizing information critically, including published research or reports. 19 3. Construct several integrated lines related to the specific subject to confirm, make evidence, and test hypotheses. 4. Interpret the subject knowledge and understanding to solve a problem. 5. Formulate data, and select the proper mechanism of its setting within a theoretical framework.
    5- 6. Modify the available data or theory to cope with the specific subject. 7. Assess the impact and the interrelationships between a specific organism and its ecosystems. 8. Confirm results with different scientific based issues. 9. Deduce a scientific output from the given information.
    6- Professional and Practical skills The ability to: 1. Compare between different methods or theories to judge the priority of one of them. 2. Assess the received data or samples and responding to a variety of sources of information: textual, numerical, verbal, graphical. 3. Solve of certain problem using a range of formats and approaches, present this subject appropriately to a variety of audiences. 4. Summarize a certain topic, citing it in appropriate manner, with supporting references. 5. Recommend the methods used for: preparing, processing, interpreting and presenting data, using appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques, statistical programs, spreadsheets and programs for presenting data visually. 6. Solving problems by a variety of methods including the use of computers, and/or other recent tools.
    7- 7. Designing, planning, conducting and reporting on investigations, which may involve primary or secondary data (e.g. from a survey database). 8. Obtaining, recording, collecting and analyzing data using appropriate techniques in the field and/or laboratory. 9. Appling field and/or laboratory investigations of living systems in a responsible, safe and ethical manner. 10. Preparation of laboratory and field facilities to carry out certain experiment. 11. Examine the related biological organ or system and relate it to its group. 12. Prepare, analyze, present data of an experiment in digital or poster form. 13. Selection of a representative sample; recording and analyzing data in the field and/or the laboratory considering its validity, accuracy, calibration, precision, reliability and uncertainty during collection.
    8- External References for Standards (Benchmarks) We take the Botany and Genomics programme of Scheffield University as a benchmark. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences at the University of Scheffield. The aims can be divided into those that are common to all programmes taught by Animal and Plant Sciences, which are to: 1. provide teaching that is informed and invigorated by the research and scholarship of its staff, is stimulating to and enjoyed by, students; 2. provide a supportive environment for students with effective mechanisms for referral to specialist services when required; 3. develop in students an independence of thought, intellectual curiosity and critical approach to evidence, theories and concepts; 4. enable students to maximise their academic potential in all aspects of their programme;
    9- 5. assess students over a range of skills and identify, support and encourage academic excellence; 6. impart to students an awareness of the importance of, commitment to and skills relevant for life-long learning; 7. widen access to the programme to the extent permitted by the intellectual aptitudes demanded by the programme. and those that are specific to the Biology with Genomics programme, which are to: 8. develop a broad understanding of biology together with a more detailed and critical understanding of selected areas in biology and genomics; 9. develop in students a range of subject-specific and generic skills appropriate to employment both within and outside of the fields of biology and genomics; 10. prepare students for postgraduate work and a professional career in the fields of biology and genomics.
    10- Programme learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding: Students will have K1 A broad-based core-knowledge (including, molecular biology, genetics, evolution, cell biology, physiology, ecology, biostatistics); K2 In-depth knowledge of specific subject areas (including: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, molecular ecology, biodiversity, evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, population genetics, parasitism); K3 In depth knowledge of the social, economic and global impact and utility of biological understanding (including: pollution and ecotoxicology, biotechnology, and conservation and management);
    11- K4 Engagement with essential biological concepts and facts and a critical ability to integrate knowledge across disciplines from sub-organismal organisation, through form and function, to interactions between individuals; K5 A working and critical understanding of the relationship between the information base in a subject area, the theory that arises from it and the genesis of empirical tests of the defining theory; K6 A working knowledge of biostatistical and bioinformatic techniques and their application; K7 A working knowledge of biological terminology, nomenclature and classification; K8 A knowledge of the ethical and philosophical issues related to biology and science; K9 An understanding of the applicability of biological skills and knowledge to careers;
    12- Skills and other attributes: Students will be able to: S1 Recognise and apply biological theories, concepts, principles and/or paradigms to their work; S2 Obtain and integrate biological evidence to formulate and test hypotheses; S3 Design investigations that address focussed questions and interpret empirical data in an objective, critical and informative manner; S4 Exercise independent thought and judgement; S5 Recognise the moral and ethical issues of a particular approach and appreciate the need for ethical standards and appropriate codes of conduct; S6 Use first principles in biology, factual knowledge of systems and, where appropriate, information technology to analyse and/or interpret novel problems in biology;
    13- Critically analyse, synthesise, summarise and cite printed and electronic information; Carry out a health and safety risk assessment and devise a safe system of working; Collect, record, organise and/or analyse qualitative and quantitative field and laboratory data to address biological questions Use commercial software for the analysis, design and presentation of information and/or data.
    14- Transferable skills Students will be able to: T1 Find and utilise electronic and printed information effectively T2 Communicate effectively in writing T3 Communicate effectively orally T4 Use AV presentation aids effectively T5 Manage projects T6 Identify individual and collective goals and responsibilities and perform in a manner appropriate to these roles T7 Recognise and respect the views and opinions of other team members
    15- T8 Reflect on individual and group performance and adjust subsequent approaches T9 Negotiate effectively T10 Self-manage and have the skills underpinning life-long learning (time-management, independent learning, organisational skills) T11 Make informed / justifiable decisions T12 Identify and work towards targets for personal, academic and career development T13 Develop an adaptable, flexible and effective approach to study and work T14 Appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of science
    5- هيكل ومكونات البرنامج 
     أ - مدة البرنامج4 year 8 term
     ب - هيكل البرنامج
    1- عدد الساعات /عدد الوحدات :
    عدد الساعاتالنسبة
    2- مقررات العلوم الأساسية :
    3 - مقررات العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية :
    4 - مقررات علوم التخصص :
    5 - مقررات من علوم أخري(حاسب آلي و ..) :
    6 - التدريب الميداني:After third year
     د - مقررات البرنامج
     -أولى بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    41116أسس علم التصنيف - وراثة34فصل دراسى تانى
    41117فسيولوجى - تشريح (1)34فصل دراسى تانى
    41118كيمياء غير عضوية وعامة34فصل دراسى تانى
    41119تفاضل وتكامل - جبر وهندسة44فصل دراسى تانى
    11012ححقوق الانسان2فصل دراسى اول
    41101خلية وأنسجة - علم الأجنة - علم الشكل الوظيفة34فصل دراسى اول
    41102شكل ظاهرى - تقسيم فسيولوجى34فصل دراسى اول
    41103كيمياء فيزيائية34فصل دراسى اول
    41104ضوء وحرارة - كهربية وخواص مادة44فصل دراسى اول
    41105علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى اول
    411110لغة إنجليزية22فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثانية بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    40201طحالب-فسيولوجيا البذور والنمو-بكتريا وإكتيومايستات44فصل دراسى اول
    40202حشرات - حبليات44فصل دراسى اول
    40203كيمياء عضوية414فصل دراسى اول
    40204تحليل طيفى - ضوء فيزيائى44فصل دراسى اول
    40216بيئه غطاء نباتى-بيئة تربة-تصنيف زهرى-نبات اقتصادى44فصل دراسى تانى
    40217لا فقاريات - حشرات44فصل دراسى تانى
    40218كيمياء فيزيائية وغير عضوية وتحليلية414فصل دراسى تانى
    40219رياضة بحته32فصل دراسى تانى
    402110لغة إنجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    40205علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى اول
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثالثة نبات خاص / شعبة نبات خاص / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    42319لغة أوربية2فصل دراسى تانى
    42302نبات (2) ب24فصل دراسى اول
    42303نبات (4)424فصل دراسى اول
    42315نبات (2) أ324فصل دراسى تانى
    42316نبات (3)324فصل دراسى تانى
    42318إحصاء حيوى2فصل دراسى تانى
    42301شكل مقارن312فصل دراسى اول
    42301تصنيف زهرى - مجتمعات نباتية212فصل دراسى اول
    42304فسيولوجيا313فصل دراسى اول
    42304فسيولوجيا الطحالب213فصل دراسى اول
    42317كيمياء عضوية24فصل دراسى تانى
    42317كيمياء فيزيائية44فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -رابعة نبات خاص / شعبة نبات خاص / شعبة بيولوجى / شعبة بيولوجى (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    42401نبات 1424فصل دراسى اول
    424111مقال أو بحث2فصل دراسى تانى
    42402نبات (3)324فصل دراسى اول
    42403نبات 4 أ36فصل دراسى اول
    42404كيمياء -223فصل دراسى اول
    42406لغة انجليزية2فصل دراسى اول
    42417نبات -2528فصل دراسى تانى
    42418نبات 4 ب222فصل دراسى تانى
    42419نبات -5324فصل دراسى تانى
    424110كيمياء -123فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
    6- محتويات المقررات 
    راجع استمارات توصيف المقررات
     7- متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج (وفقا للائحة) 
  • 1- Thanawia Amma”, division Science or any equivalent international or Arabic Certificate.. Through the subjects of the faculty by-law and faculty board decisions
  •  8- القواعد المنظمة لاستكمال البرنامج 
    جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|أولى بيولوجى
  • 1- First Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-1,First Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 32 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-2
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|ثانية بيولوجى
  • 2- Second Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 37 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-3 ,Second Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-4
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة نبات خاص|ثالثة نبات خاص
  • 3- Third Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-5,Third Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 33 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-6
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة بيولوجى|شعبة نبات خاص|رابعة نبات خاص
  • 4- Fourth Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-7,Fourth Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 33 Compulsory hours defined in Table 5-8
  •  9- طرق و قواعد تقييم الملتحقين بالبرنامج 
    مالطريقةما تقيسه من المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه
     10- طرق تقويم البرنامج 
    مالقائم بالتقويمالوسيلةالعينة
    1- 1- طلاب الفرقة النهائيةQuestionnaires50
    2- 2- الخريجونQuestionnaires12
    3- 3- أصحاب الأعمالQuestionnaires10
    4- 4- مقيم خارجي أو ممتحن خارجيReports2
    5- 5- طرق أخريNothing
    منسق البرنامج :
    ساميه على هارون السيد