كلية العلوم
نموذج رقم(13)
توصيف برنامج دراسى

العام الأكاديمي2006 - 2007
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 21/2/2025
الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة
الكلية :كلية العلوم
  • أ- معلومات أساسية 
    1. عنوان البرنامجChemistry
    2. طبيعة البرنامجأحادى
    3. تاريخ إقرار البرنامج13/8/2007
    4. القسم المسئول عن البرنامج
    1 - الكيمياء / كلية العلوم
  • ب- معلومات متخصصة : 
     1- الأهداف العامة للبرنامج 
    1- 1- To instil in students a sense of enthusiasm for chemistry, an appreciation of its application in different contexts and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
    2- 2- To encourage originality of thought.
    3- 3- To provide students with a broad and balanced foundation of chemical knowledge and practical skills.
    4- 4- To develop in students the ability to apply their chemical knowledge and skills to the solution of theoretical and practical problems in chemistry.
    5- 5- To develop in students, through an education in chemistry, a range of transferable skills, of value in chemical and non-chemical employment.
    6- 6- To provide students with a knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to further studies in specialized areas of chemistry or multi-disciplinary areas involving chemistry.
    7- 7- To generate in students an appreciation of the importance of chemistry in an industrial, economic, environmental and social context.
    8- 8- To provide students with experience in computing and information technology.
    9- 9- To provide students with abroad education in fundamental aspects of chemistry and higher level of knowledge and understanding of subjects.
    2- المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه من البرنامج 
     3- المعايير الأكاديمية للبرنامج 
     4- العلامات المرجعية 
    1- NARS Knowledge and understanding: ? a1 - Major aspects of chemical terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units. ? a2 - The major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them. ? a3 - The principles and procedures used in chemical analysis and the characterization of chemical compounds. ? a4 - The characteristics of the different states of matter and the theories used to describe them. ? a5 - The principles of quantum mechanics and their application to the description of the structure and properties of atoms and molecules.
    2- ? a6 - The principles of thermodynamics and their applications to chemistry. ? a7 - The kinetics of chemical change, including catalysis; the mechanistic interpretation of chemical reactions. ? a8 - The principal techniques of structural investigations, including spectroscopy. ? a9 - The characteristic properties of elements and their compounds, including group relationships and trends within the Periodic Table. ? a10 – Introduction to physical and bioorganic chemistry. ? a11 – The constitution and properties of aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic and organometallic compounds, with considerable attention to reaction mechanisms.
    3- ? a12 - The nature and behaviour of functional groups in organic molecules. ? a13 - The structural features of chemical elements and their compounds, including stereochemistry. ? a14 - Major synthetic pathways in organic chemistry, involving functional group interconversions and carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation. ? a15 - The relation between bulk properties and the properties of individual atoms and molecules, including macromolecules. ? a16 –Methods of studying inorganic compound and its reactions. ? a17 - Awareness of major issues currently at the frontiers of chemical research and development.
    4- Intellectual Skills: ? b1- Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to the subject areas identified above. ? b2- Ability to apply such knowledge and understanding to the solution of qualitative and quantitative problems of a familiar and unfamiliar nature. ? b3- Ability to recognize and analyze novel problems and plan strategies for their solution ? b4- Skills in the evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of chemical information and data. ? b5- Ability to recognize and implement good measurement science and practice. ? b6- Skills in presenting scientific material and arguments clearly and correctly, in writing and orally, to a range of audiences. ? b7-Computational and data-processing skills, relating to chemical information and data.
    5- Professional Practical Skills ? c1- Skills in the safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, including any specific hazards associated with their use. ? c2- Skills required for the conduct of standard laboratory procedures involved in synthetic and analytical work, in relation to both inorganic and organic systems. ? c3- Skills in the monitoring, by observation and measurement, of chemical properties, events or changes, and the systematic and reliable recording and documentation thereof. ? c4- Competence in the planning, design and execution of safely practical investigations, from the problem recognition stage through to the evaluation and appraisal of results and findings; this to include the ability to select appropriate techniques and procedures. ? c5- Skills to use computational tools and packages.
    6- ? c6- Skills to prepare technical reports. ? c7- Skills to use scientific literature effectively ? c8- Skills in the operation of standard chemical instrumentation such as that used for structural investigations and separation. ? c9- Ability to interpret data derived from laboratory observations and measurements in terms of their significance and the theory underlying them. ? c10-Ability to conduct risk assessments concerning the use of chemical substances and laboratory procedures.
    7- Transferable Skills: ? d1- Presentation skills, student able to express (orally and writing) there understanding of core chemical principle, the results of experiments, and their analysis of problems. ? d2- Problem-solving skills, student able to identify the essential parts of a problem and formulate a strategy for solving the problem and able to estimate the solution to a problem ,apply appropriate techniques to arrive the solution, test the correctness of there solution, interpret their results and connect it to related areas of chemistry. ? d3- Numeracy and computational skills, including such aspects as error analysis, order-of-magnitude estimations, correct use of units and modes of data presentation. ? d4- Information –technology skills, student should be competent user of basic software, such as word processing, spreadsheet use, and graphic programmes, data-logging and storage, internet communication.
    8- ? d5- Information-retrieval skills, student able to use information and communications technology. ? d6- Interpersonal skills, student able to work independently and as a part of a team, and learn independently with open - mindedness and critical enquiry. ? d7- Time-management and organizational skills as evidenced by the ability to plan and implement efficient and effective modes of working. ? d8- Study skills, needed for purpose of continuing professional development.
    9- Benchmarks We take the Chemistry programme of Bath University as a benchmark.
    10- Knowledge and understanding: • To demonstrate a systematic understanding across a broad range of chemical topics • To describe selected recent developments in the major branches of Chemistry • To explore the boundary of knowledge in selected areas of Chemistry, both through study and discussion of research literature and by advanced teaching by active researchers • To use, evaluate and apply as appropriate a variety of teaching and learning methods, including developing an ability to learn independently • To experience the process of scientific investigation by means of a research project and demonstrate how this may be applied to a chemical problem • To appreciate and relate the impact of Chemistry in the modern world
    11- Intellectual Skills: • To apply creativity in the solution of problems. • To integrate and evaluate information and data from a variety of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding of theory and practice.
    12- Professional Practical Skills • The ability to undertake competent, safe, evaluative, reflective and effective practical work. • The ability to critically analyze experimental results and determine their strength and validity
    13- Transferable/Key Skills • To communicate effectively in a variety of formats in order to present the results of research work • To work effectively as part of a team or group • To propose and apply solutions to chemical problems. • To demonstrate the ability to manage time, priorities workloads, and utilize long- and short-term planning skills. • To learn independently in familiar and unfamiliar situations with open- mindedness and in the spirit of critical enquiry.
    5- هيكل ومكونات البرنامج 
     أ - مدة البرنامج4 years/8 Semesters
     ب - هيكل البرنامج
    1- عدد الساعات /عدد الوحدات :
    عدد الساعاتالنسبة
    2- مقررات العلوم الأساسية :
    3 - مقررات العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية :
    4 - مقررات علوم التخصص :
    5 - مقررات من علوم أخري(حاسب آلي و ..) :
    6 - التدريب الميداني:8 weeks after 3rd year
     د - مقررات البرنامج
     -أولى الكيمياء / شعبة الكيمياء (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    201171ضوء وحرارة وخواص مادة44فصل دراسى تانى
    201171كهربية ومغناطيسية24فصل دراسى تانى
    20118نبات24فصل دراسى تانى
    20119لغة انجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    11011ححقوق الانسان2فصل دراسى اول
    20101كيمياء فيزيائية34فصل دراسى اول
    20102كيمياء عضوية4فصل دراسى اول
    20103رياضيات (1)33فصل دراسى اول
    20104حيوان24فصل دراسى اول
    20105رياضة (2)33فصل دراسى اول
    201110علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى تانى
    20116أساسيات الكيمياء غير العضوية والكيمياء العامة324فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثانية الكيمياء / شعبة الكيمياء (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    20219لغة إنجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    20201كيمياء غير عضوية وتحليلية414فصل دراسى اول
    20202كيمياء عضوية314فصل دراسى اول
    20203رياضة بحته33فصل دراسى اول
    20205علم الحاسب12فصل دراسى اول
    20204دوائر كهربية - ضوء فيزيائى48فصل دراسى اول
    20216كيمياء فيزيائية414فصل دراسى تانى
    20217كيمياء عضوية314فصل دراسى تانى
    20218بلورات - بصريات المعادن48فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -ثالثة الكيمياء / شعبة الكيمياء (لائحة 2004) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    20317كيمياء غير عضوية3فصل دراسى تانى
    20318كيمياء تحليلية326فصل دراسى تانى
    20319كيمياء عضوية (2)426فصل دراسى تانى
    20301كيمياء فيزيائية (1)3فصل دراسى اول
    20302كيمياء فيزيائية (2)32فصل دراسى اول
    20303كيمياء غير عضوية36فصل دراسى اول
    20304كيمياء عضوية (1) أ316فصل دراسى اول
    20305كيمياء عضوية (1) ب31فصل دراسى اول
    203110إحصاء حيوى2فصل دراسى تانى
    203111لغة إنجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    20316كيمياء فيزيائية (1)3فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
     -رابعة الكيمياء / شعبة الكيمياء (لائحة عام 2000) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
    20401كيمياء فيزيائية (1)36فصل دراسى اول
    20402كيمياء غير عضوية4فصل دراسى اول
    20403كيمياء عضوية (2)426فصل دراسى اول
    20404كيمياء عضوية (3)4فصل دراسى اول
    204110لغة إنجليزية2فصل دراسى تانى
    20416كيمياء فيزيائية (2)326فصل دراسى تانى
    20417كيمياء تحليلية وتطبيقية42فصل دراسى تانى
    20418كيمياء عضوية (1)426فصل دراسى تانى
    20419بحث أو مقال2فصل دراسى تانى
     ب- إختيارى: 
    6- محتويات المقررات 
    راجع استمارات توصيف المقررات
     7- متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج (وفقا للائحة) 
  • 1- “Thanawia Amma”, division Science or any equivalent international or Arabic Certificate.
  •  8- القواعد المنظمة لاستكمال البرنامج 
    جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة الكيمياء|أولى الكيمياء
  • 1- First Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 1st year,First Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 32 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 1st year
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة الكيمياء|ثانية الكيمياء
  • 2- Second Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 37 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 2nd year,Second Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 2nd year
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة الكيمياء|ثالثة الكيمياء
  • 3- Third Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 3rd year,Third Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 33 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 3rd year
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية العلوم|شعبة الكيمياء|رابعة الكيمياء
  • 4- Fourth Year/Level/Semester 1 Study of 31 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 4th year,Fourth Year/Level/Semester 2 Study of 33 Compulsory hours defined in the Table for 4th year,For progression from level to the next, student shouldn’t be failed in more than 2 courses.
  •  9- طرق و قواعد تقييم الملتحقين بالبرنامج 
    مالطريقةما تقيسه من المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه
     10- طرق تقويم البرنامج 
    مالقائم بالتقويمالوسيلةالعينة
    1- 1- طلاب الفرقة النهائيةQuestionnaire100
    2- 2- الخريجونQuestionnaire25
    3- 3- أصحاب الأعمالQuestionnaire20
    4- 4- مقيم خارجي أو ممتحن خارجيReport1
    5- 5- طرق أخري
    منسق البرنامج :
    ممدوح عبد المجيب محمد الدهتورى