Faculty of Science

Model (No 12)

Course Specification : كيمياء فيزيائية (1)

2010 - 2011

Farabi Quality Management of Education and Learning - 21/2/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Science
Department :Chemistry Department
1- Course data :-
Code: 20301
Course title: كيمياء فيزيائية (1)
Year/Level: ثالثة الكيمياء
Program Title:
  • Chemistry
Teaching Hours: Theoretical: 3Tutorial: Practical:
2- Course aims :-
  1. Introduce the basic concepts of gas kinetics.
  2. Study the molecular theory of gases.
  3. Introduce the basic concepts of electrochemistry.
  4. Study the reversible and irreversible processes.
  5. Introduce an idea about the applications of EMF measurements.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :-
4- Course contents :-
1Kinetics and molecular theory of gases: Distribution of molecular velocities- the mean free path
2•The viscosity of gases- Brownian movement and Avogadro’s number
3•Theory of non-ideal behavior- principle of corresponding states
4•Equi-partition function of energy- heat capacity of gases
5Electrochemistry: Reversible processes: Reversible galvanic cells- EMF and its measurements- types of electrodes
6•relation between cell potential and free energy- types of cells (concentration cells- electrochemical cells- cells with and without transfer)- applications of EMF measurements
7•Irreversible processes: Types of overpotential (ohmic- concentration activation) electrode kinetics- Tafel equation- exchange current mechanism of hydrogen and oxygen reduction- storage cells (reversible and irreversible)- fuel cells.

5- Teaching and learning methods :-
Lectures using board
Problem classes and group tutorial
Reports and discussion groups

6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :-
  1. -The same as normal students

7- Student assessment :-
A. Timing
1Final exam14
2Oral exam14
3Quizzes4, 8, 12
B. Degree
1Mid_term examination0
2Final_term examination90
3Oral examination 10
4Practical examination 0
5Semester work0
6Other types of asessment0

8- List of books and references
1Electrochemistry – Kinetics
2Elements of physical chemistry, Atkins, P. W., Publisher: W.H. Freeman, Oxford University Press, New York, 2005.
3Physical chemistry, Thomas Engel, Philip Reid, Publisher: Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco, 2006.
4Electronic Course: http://mansvu.mans.edu.eg/moodle/course/category.php?id=94

9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course
SContentStudy week
Kinetics and molecular theory of gases: Distribution of molecular velocities- the mean free path
•The viscosity of gases- Brownian movement and Avogadro’s number
•Theory of non-ideal behavior- principle of corresponding states
•Equi-partition function of energy- heat capacity of gases
Electrochemistry: Reversible processes: Reversible galvanic cells- EMF and its measurements- types of electrodes
•relation between cell potential and free energy- types of cells (concentration cells- electrochemical cells- cells with and without transfer)- applications of EMF measurements
•Irreversible processes: Types of overpotential (ohmic- concentration activation) electrode kinetics- Tafel equation- exchange current mechanism of hydrogen and oxygen reduction- storage cells (reversible and irreversible)- fuel cells.

Course Coordinator(s): -
  1. Shawqy Mohamed Hassan Gabr
Head of department: -
Awad Ebrahim Ahmed Mohamed