Faculty of Science

Model (No 12)

Course Specification : Maths -2

2010 - 2011

Farabi Quality Management of Education and Learning - 22/12/2024
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Science
Department :Mathematics Department
1- Course data :-
Code: 20105
Course title: Maths -2
Year/Level: أولى الكيمياء
Program Title:
  • All Academic programmes
Teaching Hours: Theoretical: 3Tutorial: 3Practical:
2- Course aims :-
  1. learn the basic concepts of new topics of Algebra,Geometry and Mechanics.
  2. understand how to use the applications of Algebra,Geometry and Mechanics in practical life.
  3. Understand the meaning of complex numbers.
  4. Understand the meaning of conic sections.
  5. Understand the meaning of vectors and its applications.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :-
4- Course contents :-
1Sets and Determinants
2Complex Numbers
3The Solution of the Equations of the Third and Fourth Degrees
4Partial Fractions
5Mathematical Inductions
6The Vectors and Systems of Forces In Three Dimensions
7Moving of the Particle in Straight Line
8Simple Harmonic Motion and Its Applications
10Relative Velocity
11Circular Motion
12Pairs of Straight Lines
13Conic Sections and Translation and Rotation of Axes

5- Teaching and learning methods :-
Blackboard and chalkes.
Internet search.

6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :-
  1. no

7- Student assessment :-
A. Timing
1written exam6
2Oral exam11
3Final exam15
B. Degree
1Mid_term examination0
2Final_term examination90
3Oral examination 10
4Practical examination 0
5Semester work0
6Other types of asessment0

8- List of books and references
1Lecturer notes.

9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course
SContentStudy week
Sets and Determinants
Complex Numbers
The Solution of the Equations of the Third and Fourth Degrees
Partial Fractions
Mathematical Inductions
The Vectors and Systems of Forces In Three Dimensions
Moving of the Particle in Straight Line
Simple Harmonic Motion and Its Applications
Relative Velocity
Circular Motion
Pairs of Straight Lines
Conic Sections and Translation and Rotation of Axes

Course Coordinator(s): -
  1. Magdy Yousef Barsom Farah
Head of department: -
Ahmed Habeb Mohamed Nageb Elbassiony