University :Mansoura University |
Faculty :Faculty of Science |
Department :Physics Department |
1- Course data :- |
| Code: | 14316 | Course title: | فيزياء ذرية - فيزياء جوامد - فيزياء نووية | Year/Level: | ثالثة كيمياء وفيزياء | Program Title: | - B. Sc. Physics & Chemistry
| Specialization: | | Teaching Hours: | Theoretical: | 6 | Tutorial: | 2 | Practical: | |
2- Course aims :- |
| - Introduce the principle of solid state materials
- Acquaint the students with the fact related to the properties of solid materials
- Introduce the student to the concept of solid state physics
- Enable the student to classify the materials according to their conductivity
- Enable the student to distinguish between different mechanisms of conduction
- Outline the basic information of the fundamental concept of radioactivity and nuclear physics techniques
- Introduce the basic and fundamentals of atomic physics and atomic spectra
3- Course Learning Outcomes :- |
| |
4- Course contents :- |
| No | Topics | Week |
1 | lattice vibration in solids- conduction electrons | | 2 | the free electron gas | | 3 | electrical conductivity-free electron theory- effect of temperature | | 4 | quantum and band theory of solids | | 5 | energy spectra and bloch theorem calculation of energy band. | | 6 | density of state and Fermi surface | | 7 | the atomic nucleus – radioactivity | | 8 | nuclear masses alpha, beta, and gamma decay | | 9 | Interaction of radiation with matter-radiation Detectors | | 10 | particle accelerators | | 11 | Quantization principle, production of X rays | | 12 | Continuous and characteristic X- rays- K,L, M….M series Moseley law | | 13 | Absorption , diffraction X rays , problem,- Bohr model energy level diagram - spectral series of H atom | | 14 | Sommerfeld elliptical orbits, fine structure------Vector atom model | | 15 | Magnetic moments , splitting of spectral line in the presence of external magnetic field. | |
5- Teaching and learning methods :- |
| S | Method |
| Lectures using data show and board. | | Problem classes and group tutorial. | | Class activity |
6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :- |
| - • لا يوجد
7- Student assessment :- |
| A. Timing |
| No | Method | Week |
1 | Final-Term Examination | 14 | 2 | Oral Examination | 14 |
| B. Degree |
| No | Method | Degree |
1 | Mid_term examination | 0 | 2 | Final_term examination | 90 | 3 | Oral examination | 10 | 4 | Practical examination | 0 | 5 | Semester work | 0 | 6 | Other types of asessment | 0 | Total | 100% |
8- List of books and references |
| S | Item | Type |
1 | Lecture notes offered by the department | |
9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course |
| S | Content | Study week |
| lattice vibration in solids- conduction electrons | | | the free electron gas | | | electrical conductivity-free electron theory- effect of temperature | | | quantum and band theory of solids | | | energy spectra and bloch theorem calculation of energy band. | | | density of state and Fermi surface | | | the atomic nucleus – radioactivity | | | nuclear masses alpha, beta, and gamma decay | | | Interaction of radiation with matter-radiation Detectors | | | particle accelerators | | | Quantization principle, production of X rays | | | Continuous and characteristic X- rays- K,L, M….M series Moseley law | | | Absorption , diffraction X rays , problem,- Bohr model energy level diagram - spectral series of H atom | | | Sommerfeld elliptical orbits, fine structure------Vector atom model | | | Magnetic moments , splitting of spectral line in the presence of external magnetic field. | |
Course Coordinator(s): - |
| - Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed Abu Zeid
Head of department: - |
| Mohamed Abd Elqader Hassan Madkor |