كلية العلوم
Model No.13
Programme Specifications

Academic Year2006 - 2007
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 19/2/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Science
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titleMathematics
    2. Programme typeSingle
    3. Date of approval of the program11 - 9- 2007
    4- Department responsible for the program
    1 - Mathematics Department / Faculty of Science
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- This programme provides students with the skills and techniques needed to develop a mathematical and statistical knowledge. Students will understand how these techniques can be applied to the formulation and solution of problems from scientific, technological, business, and other areas. We also help students to enjoy mathematics, computer science and statistics and encourage them to learn more about these subjects for their own sake. The degree programme aims to 1- Provide students with a broad and balanced foundation of knowledge and practical skills in mathematics, statistics and computing;
    2- Enhance the development students ability to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to the solution of problems;
    3- Offer students a flexible educational framework that enables them to specialize or maintain a broad course of study;
    4- Provide the necessary skills and training for further study or research in Mathematics.
    5- Develop competence in IT and especially in the use of mathematical software.
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- Knowledge and Understanding 1.demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts, principles, theories and results of mathematics;
    2- 2.construct and explain the meaning of complicated statements using mathematical notation and language;
    3- 3.understand and work with formal definitions; 4.state and prove key theorems from various branches of mathematics;
    4- 5.demonstrate knowledge in depth of a variety of mathematical topics; 6.demonstrate a mastery of selected advanced theories based on substantial background knowledge;
    5- Intellectual Skills 1.demonstrate skill in mathematical reasoning, manipulation and calculation;
    6- 2.construct rigorous proofs; 3.demonstrate proficiency in different methods of mathematical proof;
    7- Professional Practical Skills 1.construct, and critically assess, mathematical models for real-world problems;
    8- 2.formulate methods of solution for a variety of mathematical problems and provide a theoretical justification for the methods;
    9- 3.solve and/or analyse problems arising from a variety of situations, investigate the properties of solutions and interpret the results in terms of the original problem;
    10- 4.program a range of mathematical and statistical applications;
    11- 5. apply numerical methods to the solution of mathematical problems, demonstrate an awareness of their advantages and limitations and of the practical issues involved in their implementation;
    12- 6.appreciate the relationship between fundamental concepts of mathematics and their application in other areas of mathematics or other disciplines;
    13- Transferable/Key Skills: 1.communicate effectively with a wide range of individuals using a variety of means; 2.work effectively as part of a team;
    14- 3.make efficient use of computers for acquiring, analysing and presenting information;
    15- 4. think logically and analytically; 4.apply analytical methodology to problems in other disciplines; 5.assess numerical data critically
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration4-year full-time programme
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :
    4 - Specialized courses :
    5 - Other Courses :
    6 - Field training:3rd practical training in the department
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -أولى رياضة وفيزياء / شعبة رياضة وفيزياء (لائحة 2004) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    111110علم الحاسب12Second Semster
    11116تفاضل وتكامل (ب)33Second Semster
    11117جبر وهندسة44Second Semster
    11118استاتيكا وديناميكا (ب)33Second Semster
    11119كهربية ومغناطيسية - خواص مادة424Second Semster
    101106حHuman Rights2First Semster
    11101تفاضل وتكامل (أ)33First Semster
    11102استاتيكا وديناميكا (أ)33First Semster
    11103ضوء - فيزياء حرارية44First Semster
    11104كيمياء عامة44First Semster
    11105English Language2First Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثانية رياضه / شعبة رياضه / شعبة رياضة وفيزياء (لائحة 2004) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    11217جبر مجرد (1)44Second Semster
    11218ديناميكا44Second Semster
    11202جبر خطى وهندسة44First Semster
    11203ميكانيكا تحليلية واستاتيكا44First Semster
    11205Compmuter Science12First Semster
    11204English Language2First Semster
    11219كهرواستاتيكا424Second Semster
    11216تفاضل عالى ومعادلات تفاضلية43Second Semster
    111201تحليل حقيقى (1)33First Semster
    111201مقدمة فى الإحصاء والإحتمالات22First Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثالثة رياضيات / شعبة رياضيات / شعبة رياضه / شعبة رياضة وفيزياء (لائحة 2004) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    11319إلكتروديناميكا - نسبية خاصة42Second Semster
    113110علم الحاسب23Second Semster
    11301تحليل حقيقى (2)41First Semster
    11303توبولوجى (1)31First Semster
    11304نظرية المرونة (1) - ميكانيكا متقدمة42First Semster
    11302تحليل مركب (1)41First Semster
    11305English Language2First Semster
    11316تحليل عددى (1)32Second Semster
    11317إحتمالات وإحصاء (1)42Second Semster
    11318جبر مجرد (2)42Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -رابعة رياضيات / شعبة رياضيات / شعبة رياضه / شعبة رياضة وفيزياء (لائحة عام 2000) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    11402برمجة - تحليل عددى42First Semster
    11403ميكانيكا كم41First Semster
    11405English Language2First Semster
    11417إحصاء رياضى42Second Semster
    11419Research or Essay2Second Semster
    114011تحليل دالى - مقرر إختيارى41First Semster
    114011هندسة تفاضلية أو هندسية جبرية أو توبولوجى41First Semster
    11416نظرية المعادلات التفاضلية41Second Semster
    11416دوال خاصة31Second Semster
    114181هيدروديناميكا31Second Semster
    114181نسبية عامة31Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- Pass in high school (Thanawiya Aama), Math (1) and Math (2)or equivalent certificate
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University|Faculty of Science|شعبة رياضة وفيزياء|أولى رياضة وفيزياء
  • 1- First Semester: Study of 32 Compulsory hours ,Second Semester: Study of 33 Compulsory hours,Pass, or fail in one or two subjects according faculty regulation
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Science|شعبة رياضة وفيزياء|شعبة رياضه|ثانية رياضه
  • 2- First Semester: Study of 31 Compulsory hours,Second Semester: Study of 33 Compulsory hours,Pass, or fail in one or two subjects according faculty regulation
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Science|شعبة رياضة وفيزياء|شعبة رياضه|شعبة رياضيات|ثالثة رياضيات
  • 3- First Semester: Study of 29 Compulsory hours,Second Semester: Study of 28 Compulsory hours,Pass, or fail in one or two subjects according faculty regulation
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Science|شعبة رياضة وفيزياء|شعبة رياضه|شعبة رياضيات|رابعة رياضيات
  • 4- First Semester: Study of 25 Compulsory hours,Second Semester: Study of 25 Compulsory hours,Pass, or fail in one or two subjects according faculty regulation
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior StudentsQuestionnaireAvailable in the documents
    2- 2- AlumniQuestionnaireAvailable in the documents
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)QuestionnaireAvailable in the documents
    4- 4- External EvaluatorReportAvailable in the documents
    5- 5- OthersQuestionnaire and reprot
    Program Coordinators :
    Hamdy Nabeh Elmekawy Egeza
    Mohamed Mohamed Eldesouqy Ahmed