كلية التجارة
Model No.13
Programme Specifications
B . Commerce - insurance

Academic Year2005 - 2006
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
University :Mansoura University
Faculty :Faculty of Commerce
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titleB . Commerce - insurance
    2. Programme typeSingle
    3. Date of approval of the program2005/2006
    4- Department responsible for the program
    1 - التأمين / statistic&Insurance Department / Faculty of Commerce
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- recognizing the most important characteristics of insurance facilitiesand how to manage .
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- Since we have a logic in academic stander reference, we divided on the international academic stander after making some modification to be suitable for our local environment
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration4 years
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :
    4 - Specialized courses :
    5 - Other Courses :
    6 - Field training:Unavailable
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -أولى انتظام / شعبة انتظام () 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    1Principles of Economics /131First Semster
    2Principles of Accounting /131First Semster
    3Principles of Management42First Semster
    5Commercial Studies in English-14First Semster
    6Business Mathematics42First Semster
    4Introduction To Computer for Business Studies42First Semster
    7Principles of Economics /231Second Semster
    8Principles of Accounting /231Second Semster
    11Public Administration41Second Semster
    10Organizational Behaviour41Second Semster
    9Economic evolution & Resources Analysis4Second Semster
    12Introduction to Law4Second Semster
    13Human Rights2Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثانية انتظام / شعبة انتظام (لائحة 2005-2006) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    6Computer Business Applications42Second Semster
    1Intermediate Accounting /231Second Semster
    7Production Management42Second Semster
    2Money, Banking and International Trade /231Second Semster
    8Principles of Statistics41Second Semster
    9Commercial Law4Second Semster
    10Personnel Management41Second Semster
    3Principles of Marketing42First Semster
    4Mathematics of Investment42First Semster
    5Commercial Studies in English-24First Semster
    1Company Accounting /131First Semster
    2Money, Banking and International Trade /131First Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثالثة تأمين / شعبة التأمين / شعبة انتظام () 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    9Accounting for Insurance Institutions42Second Semster
    547Commercial Studies in English-32Second Semster
    1Applied Statistics and Operation Research42First Semster
    2National Accounts42First Semster
    3Public Finance&Tax Systems4First Semster
    4Probability Theory42First Semster
    549Management for Insurance Institutions2First Semster
    6Insurance and Its Mathematics42Second Semster
    7Economic Development and Planning4Second Semster
    8Insurance Legislations4Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -رابعة تأمين / شعبة التأمين / شعبة انتظام () 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    1Financial Management and Investment42First Semster
    2Demography and Population Statistics42First Semster
    3Actuarial Statistics42First Semster
    4Personnel Insurance42First Semster
    5Social Insurance4First Semster
    6Commercial Studies in English -44First Semster
    7Contemporary Economic Problems4Second Semster
    8Mathematics of Insurance42Second Semster
    9Reinsurance42Second Semster
    10General Insurance4Second Semster
    11Advanced Studies in Insurance42Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- Holding the general education secondary certificate .
  • 2- Coordination commitment to the rules of the supreme council of universities .
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University|Faculty of Commerce|شعبة انتظام|أولى انتظام
  • 1-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Commerce|شعبة انتظام|ثانية انتظام
  • 2-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Commerce|شعبة انتظام|شعبة التأمين|ثالثة تأمين
  • 3-
  • Mansoura University|Faculty of Commerce|شعبة انتظام|شعبة التأمين|رابعة تأمين
  • 4-
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior StudentsUnavailableUnavailable
    2- 2- AlumniUnavailableUnavailable
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)Not foundNot found
    4- 4- External EvaluatorDosen’t existsDosen’t exists
    5- 5- OthersNot found
    Program Coordinators :
    Fatma Ali Mohamed Abd El Aty