كلية الهندسة
نموذج رقم(13)
توصيف برنامج دراسى
برنامج الهندسة المعمارية

العام الأكاديمي2008 - 2009
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 24/2/2025
الجامعة :جامعة المنصورة
الكلية :كلية الهندسة
  • أ- معلومات أساسية 
    1. عنوان البرنامجبرنامج الهندسة المعمارية
    2. طبيعة البرنامجأحادى
    3. تاريخ إقرار البرنامج2004-2005
    4. القسم المسئول عن البرنامج
    1 - قسم هندسة العماره / كلية الهندسة
  • ب- معلومات متخصصة : 
     1- الأهداف العامة للبرنامج 
    1- INTRODUCTION Architecture is considered one of the essential disciplines necessary in the Engineering College at Mansoura University with references to buildings, city development and urbanization. Designing in Architecture normally include all that add artistic, philosophical, and psychological dimensions to buildings. The department of Architecture is the latest in the College of Engineering, was established in fall 1989.
    2- Hereby, The architectural program curriculum has a wide strong base of science, humanities and engineering fundamentals upon which intensive specialization courses, graduation projects and professional training are built to complement this strong educational foundation. At the Department of Architectural Engineering we believe that the academic educational process is a joint team effort and cannot be achieved through individualized inputs. Teaching is a cooperative integrated effort of faculty staff to offer integrated knowledge base that is directed towards students’learning by doing, experimentation and teamwork.
    3- THE VISION of the Architectural Engineering department is to be a leading department in the Delta and Dakahlia region where it provides the highest quality of education and develops responsible, educated, and professional architects who are able to create a better world through unique and effective architectural ideas and solutions.
    4- MISSION STATEMENT The Architectural Engineering program provides a multidisciplinary professional education that prepares students to help communities manage change. The program trains students to define issues, solve problems, and implement solutions for the purpose of improving the quality of the built environment, while, simultaneously, anticipating social change and promoting social coherence. Working with people with an eye on the future, Architecutre graduates will be capable of providing research, reasoned analysis and recommendations on buildings, urban, regional, environmental, and social issues. Student education at the Architectural Engineering program will be rooted in basic professional ethical standards and high moral values
    5- Objective A Graduate Knowledgeable Architectural Engineers with the appropriate science and engineering foundation for architectural and built environment applications Outcome A An Ability to apply math, science, and engineering knowledge and be able to model the physical environment and its processes with emphasis on applying these knowledge on the built environment as interfaces between engineering and humanities.
    6- Objective B Ensure graduates capacity to work comfortably with data analysis, interpretation and experimentation Outcome B An ability to design and conduct experiments and aptitude to analyze, compare and interpret data with emphasis on architectural engineering as a practice for intellectual creative applications.
    7- Objective C Produce architectural engineering graduates that are innovative designers, problems solvers at both component and system levels and use resources efficiently Outcome C An ability to deal with design problem-solving situations addressing specific set of requirements or needs and generating innovative design solutions at both components and system levels using systematic design processes for architectural, urban design and planning projects along with core competencies to manage resources, to acquire and use information, to master design systems and work with technologies.
    8- Objective D Develop students’ professional aptitude for teamwork, critical enquiry, reasoning and debating constructively Outcome D Capacity to think and ability to function, form logical arguments and engage in constructive discussions with other colleagues as well as within multi-disciplinary teams and be able to appreciate and value teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve high level of professionalism.
    9- Objective E Develop students’ aptitude for recognizing and handling architectural engineering problems in the most appropriate manner Outcome E Ability to identify, formulate, analyze simple and complex architectural engineering problems, suggest alternative solutions and distinguish the most appropriate solution considering all factors involved.
    10- Objective F Ensure the awareness of our graduates of the importance of their personal professional integrity and their societal obligations with emphasis on professional moral issues, ethics and conduct Outcome F Ability to identify, understand ethical and professional issues pertaining to personal integrity, professional conduct, the society and the environment as well as applying a value-based reasoning to ethical issues to make discriminating moral and ethical choices taking into account their subsequent legal implications, liabilities and moral responsibilities.
    11- Objective G Develop students abilities to communicate effectively and be a valuable team member. Outcome G Capacity to share ideas with others and ability to communicate concepts, ideas and opinions logically and effectively orally, in writing, and by listening and be able to express thoughts clearly, completely and accurately as well as communicating design ideas and thoughts according to conventional professional standards of graphical and visual presentations.
    12- Objective H Ensure our graduates deep understanding of their role as architectural engineers and their socio-cultural and environmental responsibilities Outcome H Understanding of the role and responsibility of the architectural engineer in creating environmentally and socio-culturally sustainable built environment and to understand the impact of engineering solutions on society and environment at local, regional and global contexts.
    13- Objective I Ensure graduates have the necessary self-learning lifelong learning skills Outcome I Recognition of the need for and ability to engage in the lifelong learning
    14- Objective J Ensure graduates are capable of formulating their own opinions on contemporary professional issues and able to debate their opinion in public Outcome J Competency to discuss, debate and formulate informed opinions on contemporary societal and environmental issues pertaining to the profession and practice.
    15- Objective K Ensure graduates can work effectively in the architectural engineering practice using state of the art information technology methods, techniques, and tools Outcome K Ability to use current engineering and information technology methods, techniques, and tools necessary for current architectural engineering practice.
    2- المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه من البرنامج 
     3- المعايير الأكاديمية للبرنامج 
     4- العلامات المرجعية 
    1- لا يوجد
    5- هيكل ومكونات البرنامج 
     أ - مدة البرنامج5 years
     ب - هيكل البرنامج
    1- عدد الساعات /عدد الوحدات :
    عدد الساعاتالنسبة
    2- مقررات العلوم الأساسية :
    3 - مقررات العلوم الإجتماعية والإنسانية :
    4 - مقررات علوم التخصص :
    5 - مقررات من علوم أخري(حاسب آلي و ..) :
    6 - التدريب الميداني:0
     د - مقررات البرنامج
     -أولى عمارة / شعبة الهندسة المعمارية (لائحة 84-92) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
     ب- إختيارى: 
    لا يوجد مقرارت
     -ثانية عمارة / شعبة الهندسة المعمارية () 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
     ب- إختيارى: 
    لا يوجد مقرارت
     -ثالثة عمارة / شعبة الهندسة المعمارية (لائحة 84-92) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
     ب- إختيارى: 
    لا يوجد مقرارت
     -رابعة عمارة / شعبة الهندسة المعمارية (لائحة 96-97) 
     أ- إجباري: 
    كود أو رقم المقرراسم المقررعدد الوحداتعدد الساعات الإسبوعيةالفصل الدراسي
     ب- إختيارى: 
    لا يوجد مقرارت
    6- محتويات المقررات 
    راجع استمارات توصيف المقررات
     7- متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج (وفقا للائحة) 
  • 1- الحصول على نسبة نجاح 66% فى الفرقة الاعدادية بدون مواد تخلف
  •  8- القواعد المنظمة لاستكمال البرنامج 
    جامعة المنصورة|كلية الهندسة|شعبة الهندسة المعمارية|أولى عمارة
  • 1-
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية الهندسة|شعبة الهندسة المعمارية|ثانية عمارة
  • 2-
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية الهندسة|شعبة الهندسة المعمارية|ثالثة عمارة
  • 3-
  • جامعة المنصورة|كلية الهندسة|شعبة الهندسة المعمارية|رابعة عمارة
  • 4-
  •  9- طرق و قواعد تقييم الملتحقين بالبرنامج 
    مالطريقةما تقيسه من المخرجات التعليمية المستهدفه
     10- طرق تقويم البرنامج 
    مالقائم بالتقويمالوسيلةالعينة
    1- 1- طلاب الفرقة النهائيةالامتحان النهائى ومشروع التخرجكل الدفعة
    2- 2- الخريجونالاستبيانات الدورية 20 %
    3- 3- أصحاب الأعمالاللقاءات الدورية غير ثابتة
    4- 4- مقيم خارجي أو ممتحن خارجيلا يوجدلا يوجد
    5- 5- طرق أخريلا يوجد
    منسق البرنامج :
    علاء محمد شمس الدين العيشى