University :Mansoura University |
Faculty :Faculty of Engineering |
Department :Department of Psychology |
1- Course data :- |
| Code: | 3316أ | Course title: | Humanities-4 | Year/Level: | ثالثة | Program Title: | | Specialization: | | Teaching Hours: | Theoretical: | 4 | Tutorial: | | Practical: | |
2- Course aims :- |
| - Engineer , How to be a human not a machine.
- How to treat with others in job.
- How to gain the aims of organization.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :- |
| |
4- Course contents :- |
| No | Topics | Week |
1 | the of human orgin | | 2 | human motimes to job | | 3 | the necessary of human behavior in job | | 4 | improvement of job methods | | 5 | physical conditions of job | | 6 | human relationship in job | | 7 | scientific administrator | | 8 | job accidents | | 9 | physicaly of Adm. Comm. | | 10 | physicaly of Adm. superisor | | 11 | physicaly of Adm. and leaders | | 12 | How to be agood leader | | 13 | tired and boredom | | 14 | Job acceptionce | |
5- Teaching and learning methods :- |
| |
6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :- |
| No data found. |
7- Student assessment :- |
| - Timing |
| No | Method | Week |
1 | mid term exam | 10 | 2 | final term exam | 15-16 |
| - Degree |
| No | Method | Degree |
1 | Mid_term examination | 20 | 2 | Final_term examination | 80 | 3 | Oral examination | 0 | 4 | Practical examination | 0 | 5 | Semester work | 0 | 6 | Other types of asessment | 0 | Total | 100% |
8- List of books and references |
| S | Item | Type |
1 | humanities ( edited by DR. Abd Ellatif Yousef Emara) | | 2 | any other books of humianities | |
9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course |
| S | Content | Study week |
| the of human orgin | | | human motimes to job | | | the necessary of human behavior in job | | | improvement of job methods | | | physical conditions of job | | | human relationship in job | | | scientific administrator | | | job accidents | | | physicaly of Adm. Comm. | | | physicaly of Adm. superisor | | | physicaly of Adm. and leaders | | | How to be agood leader | | | tired and boredom | | | Job acceptionce | |
Course Coordinator(s): - |
| - Abdul Latif Yusuf Mohamed Emara
Head of department: - |
| Fatma El Zahraa Mohamed Rashad Abou Shady |