University :Mansoura University |
Faculty :Faculty of Engineering |
Department :Mathematics and Engineering Physics |
1- Course data :- |
| Code: | 03211 | Course title: | Mathematics 5 | Year/Level: | ثانية الكترونيات | Program Title: | | Specialization: | | Teaching Hours: | Theoretical: | 4 | Tutorial: | 2 | Practical: | |
2- Course aims :- |
| - Recognize different numerical techniques and methods.
- Provide an introduction to probability and statistics
- Calculate probabilities and handle random variables
- Apply these methods and theorems to solve engineering problems.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :- |
| |
4- Course contents :- |
| No | Topics | Week |
1 | Curve fitting | | 2 | Interpolation | | 3 | Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations | | 4 | Direct Methods for Solving Linear System of Equations | | 5 | Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems | | 6 | Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations | | 7 | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | | 8 | Mathematical statistics | | 9 | Probability theorem, | | 10 | Random Variables and Probability Distribution | | 11 | Some particular Probability Distribution | | 12 | Estimation Theory and sampling distribution | | 13 | Non parametric tests (tests of hypotheses) | |
5- Teaching and learning methods :- |
| S | Method |
| lecture | | Class activities. | | Group discussions. |
6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :- |
| - None
7- Student assessment :- |
| - Timing |
| No | Method | Week |
1 | Quizzes | 3, 11 | 2 | Mid term exam | 9 | 3 | Reports | 12 | 4 | Final exam | 15 |
| - Degree |
| No | Method | Degree |
1 | Mid_term examination | 20 | 2 | Final_term examination | 70 | 3 | Oral examination | 0 | 4 | Practical examination | 0 | 5 | Semester work | 5 | 6 | Other types of asessment | 5 | Total | 100% |
8- List of books and references |
| S | Item | Type |
1 | Ames, W.F. “Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations”, 2nd edition, Academic Press, 1977. | | 2 | M. R. Spiegel, ’’ Theory and Problems of Statistics ’’, McGraw-Hill, 1999. | | 3 | . W. J. Decoursey, ’’ Statistics and Probability for Engineering Applications ’’, Elsevier Science, 2003. | | 4 | M. El-Saidy, " Probability Theorems and Distributions", 2008 | | 5 | Conte, S.D; Carl de Boor “Elementary Numerical Analysis, An algorithmic Approach”, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1981. | | 6 | Ralston, A.; Rabinowitz, P. “A First Course Numerical Analysis” 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978. | | 7 | يوسف زكى بطرس "التحليل العددى وتطبيقاته فى الحاسبات الألكترونية"، دار المعارف، 1982. | | 8 | Magdi S. El-Azab "Numerical methods", 3 rd edition, 2009 | |
9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course |
| S | Content | Study week |
| Curve fitting | | | Interpolation | | | Numerical Solution of Algebraic Equations | | | Direct Methods for Solving Linear System of Equations | | | Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems | | | Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations | | | Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations | | | Mathematical statistics | | | Probability theorem, | | | Random Variables and Probability Distribution | | | Some particular Probability Distribution | | | Estimation Theory and sampling distribution | | | Non parametric tests (tests of hypotheses) | |
Course Coordinator(s): - |
| - Magdy Salah El Azab Sewan
Head of department: - |
| Ahmed Ahmed Abd El Fattah El Sorrory |