كلية العلوم

نموذج رقم(12)

توصيف مقرر دراسي : مقرر اختيارى ( 408ب )

2010 - 2011

الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
الجامعة :جامعة دمياط
الكلية :كلية العلوم
القسم :علوم البيئة
1- بيانات المقرر :-
الرمز الكودى: 408ب
اسم المقرر: مقرر اختيارى ( 408ب )
الفرقة: رابعة علوم البيئة
عنوان البرنامج:
  • Environmental Sciences
عدد الساعات: نظري: 2فصل: عملى:
2- أهداف المقرر :-
  1. The first part provide the students with an overview of the theory and practice of environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental auditing and management systems techniques. Propose sustainable solutions to the environmental problems.
  2. The second part provide the students with an introduction in Geographic Information System (GIS) and its environmental applications.
3- نواتج التعلم المستهدفة للمقرر :-
4- محتويات المقرر :-
1An Overview of the Environmental Planning System
2Origin and history of Environmental Assessment
3The Environmental Impact Assessment Process
4EIA in Egypt and case study
5Strategic Environmental Assessment
6Introduction to EMSs & ISO 14000 series
7Environmental Auditing
8Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-labelling and case study
9Review Week
10Introduction to GIS and the functions of maps
11Data models, scale, resoulation and generalisation
12GIS Functions
13Co-ordinate systems and maps projections
14Environmental applications of GIS
15Environmental Management: Basic Definitions

5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم :-
Lectures in classroom.
Student discussions.
Student team works.
Case study.

6- أساليب التعليم والتعلم للطلاب ذوى القدرات المحدودة :-
  1. Not available.

7- تقويم الطلاب :-
أ- التوقيت
1Unseen exam15
2Oral exam15
3Student activities1-12
ب- توزيع الدرجات
1امتحان نصف الترم0
2امتحان آخر الترم90
3الامتحان الشفوى10
4الامتحان العملى0
5أعمال الترم0
6طرق أخرى للتقييم0

8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع
1Introduction to Environmental Assessment and Management “EIA & EMS”, University Book, 2009/2010, Dr El-Sayed A Badr
2Therivel, Glasson & Chadwick (1999) Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment, UCL Press, London.
3Morris & Therivel (2001) Methods for Environmental Impact Assessment.
4Petts, J. 1999 (editor) Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment. Volume 1: Process, methods and potential. Blackwell, Oxford.
5http://www.eeaa.gov.eg (Egyptian Environmental Affair Agency)
6Booth, B., and Mitchell, A., 2003. Getting started with GIS. ESRI.Printed in the United States of America.
7ESRI, 2003. What is ARCGIS?. Printed in the United States of America.
9Rolf, A., 2000. Principles of geographic information systems. ITC Educational Textbooks Series; 1, Netherlands.

9- مصفوفة المعارف والمهارات المستهدفة من المقرر الدراسي
مالمحتوىأسبوع الدراسة
An Overview of the Environmental Planning System
Origin and history of Environmental Assessment
The Environmental Impact Assessment Process
EIA in Egypt and case study
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Introduction to EMSs & ISO 14000 series
Environmental Auditing
Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-labelling and case study
Review Week
Introduction to GIS and the functions of maps
Data models, scale, resoulation and generalisation
GIS Functions
Co-ordinate systems and maps projections
Environmental applications of GIS
Environmental Management: Basic Definitions

اساتذة المادة: -
  1. خالد محمود عبد الله دويدار
رئيس مجلس القسم العلمى: -
محمود سالم ابراهيم إبراهيم