كلية العلوم
Model No.13
Programme Specifications
chemistry and biochemistry

Academic Year2005 - 2006
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
University :جامعة دمياط
Faculty :كلية العلوم
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titlechemistry and biochemistry
    2. Programme typeSingle
    3. Date of approval of the program
    4- Department responsible for the program
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- The graduates will possess a good understanding of the molecular basis and the chemistry of the processes that take place in cells and organisms.
    2- Instruct the chemistry? biochemistry student in a way that will be able to use his background knowledge and techniques for solution of biological and industrial problems.
    3- The student will be able to plan, conduct and evaluate, analyze and interpret experimental data in chemistry& Biochemistry.
    4- Prepare a graduate to be able to undertake a professional research-related career in Biochemistry with minimum training.
    5- Posse’s basic competencies necessary for a range of practical biochemical techniques and work safely in a laboratory environment.
    6- Work effectively in a team and possess the management and communication skills (both verbally and in written reports).
    7- Use computing and statistical skills in manipulation and presentation of Biochemical data.
    8- The student will be equipped with the skills in the field of Chemistry&Biochemistry that are both of value for the future employment in the area of these fields with minimum training and transferable to other avenues of employment.
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- A1 of NARS of basic Science
    2- A2 of NARS of basic Science
    3- A3 of NARS of basic Science
    4- A4 of NARS of basic Science
    5- A5 of NARS of basic Science
    6- A2 of NARS for Biochemistry
    7- A3 of NARS for Biochemistry
    8- A3 of NARS for Chemistry
    9- A4 of NARS for Chemistry
    10- A7 of NARS for Biochemistry
    11- A8 of NARS for Chemistry
    12- A9 of NARS for Biochemistry
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration4Years
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :
    4 - Specialized courses :
    5 - Other Courses :
    6 - Field training:50%
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -أولى علوم بيولوجية وجيولوجية / شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية (لائحة سنة 90) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    104كGeneral Chemistry34First Semster
    101نGeneral Botany24First Semster
    101حGeneral Zoology24First Semster
    101جNatural and Historical Geology22First Semster
    103فOptics Electronics and Magnetism22First Semster
    105رCalculus and Algebra21First Semster
    بدونComputer12First Semster
    105كGeneral Chemistry34Second Semster
    102نGeneral Botany24Second Semster
    102حGeneral Zoology24Second Semster
    102جCrystals and Minerals22Second Semster
    104فHeat and Properties of Matter22Second Semster
    106رCalculus and Geometry21Second Semster
    102لEnglish Language21Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثانية بيولوجيا / شعبة البيولوجيا / شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية (لائحة 2004) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    201حChordates&Entomology34First Semster
    201نEconomic Botany, Algae and Bacteria34First Semster
    205كChemical Thermodynamics21First Semster
    206كOrganic Chemistry24First Semster
    207فPhysical Optics22First Semster
    207رMathematics21First Semster
    بدونHuman Rhights and General Principles of The Law2First Semster
    202حInvertebrates&Entomology34Second Semster
    202نEcology ( Plant Cover & Soil ) Seed Physiology and Plant Taxonomy34Second Semster
    207كInorganic Chemistry24Second Semster
    208كOrganic Chemistry21Second Semster
    208فAtomic Physics&Spectra22Second Semster
    208رComputer sciences12Second Semster
    202لEnglish Language21Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثالثة كيمياء وكيمياء الحيوية / شعبة الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية / شعبة البيولوجيا / شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية (لائحة سنة 90) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    311كPhysical Chemistry Kinetics& Gases21First Semster
    312كInorganic Chemistry Transilion Metrls Complexes24First Semster
    313كPhysical Organic Stereochemistry34First Semster
    301ك حCarbohydates & Lipids32First Semster
    338رComputer Sciences12First Semster
    323كOrganic Chemistry24Second Semster
    303ك حEnzymes& Hormons44Second Semster
    304ك حWater & Mineral Metabolism & Tissue Chemistry34Second Semster
    339رProbability & Statistics1Second Semster
    302لEnglish Language21Second Semster
    302ك حProteins. Amino Acid Vitamines22First Semster
    302ك حProteins. Amino Acid Vitamines22First Semster
    306كPhysical & Analytical Chemistry3Second Semster
    306كPhysical & Analytical Chemistry24Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -رابعة كيمياء وكيمياء الحيوية / شعبة الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية / شعبة البيولوجيا / شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية (لائحة سنة 90) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    417كPhysical&Analyhcal Chemistry214First Semster
    417كPhysical&Analyhcal Chemistry2First Semster
    419كInorganic Chemistry2Second Semster
    419كInorganic Chemistry214Second Semster
    404ك حChromatography and Biological Activity of Tumor24Second Semster
    404ك حChromatography and Biological Activity of Tumor2Second Semster
    418كOrganic Chemistry214First Semster
    402ك حImmunochemistry and Induslrial Microbiology34First Semster
    403ك حFood Metabolism and Fermentation34First Semster
    420كOrganic Chemistry214Second Semster
    405ك حPhotosynthesis of Plant Cell Chemical Somposition of Endocrine Hormones24Second Semster
    بدونEssay2Second Semster
    402لEnglish Language21Second Semster
    بدونComputer12Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- Candidates should pass a secondary school examination with degrees enable him/her to register to the faculty according to degree rank set by the ministry of education to the year of registration or get an equivalent degree from foreign education organization recognized by the Egyptian ministry of education.
  • 2- According to the law of the faculty of Science at Damietta, Mansoura University, The program enables students studying geology with physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics in Years 1 & 2 to specialize in Chemistry and Biochemistry in the Third and fourth academic years.
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية|أولى علوم بيولوجية وجيولوجية
  • 1- Every student is required to attend all lectures and practical lessons at least 75% of exercise,Each student must success in all studied courses,Failed students could be fired after two attempts in all courses or fail in not than two courses,Students failed in two subjects can be transferred to the next year, under condition to enter the exam the following year. ,Students can past pond any exam in illness condition
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية|شعبة البيولوجيا|ثانية بيولوجيا
  • 2- Every student is required to attend all lectures and practical lessons at least 75% of exercise,Each student must success in all studied courses,Failed students could be fired after two attempts in all courses or fail in not than two courses,Students failed in two subjects can be transferred to the next year, under condition to enter the exam the following year. ,Students can past pond any exam in illness condition
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية|شعبة البيولوجيا|شعبة الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية|ثالثة كيمياء وكيمياء الحيوية
  • 3- Every student is required to attend all lectures and practical lessons at least 75% of exercise,Each student must success in all studied courses,Failed students could be fired after two attempts in all courses or fail in not than two courses,Students failed in two subjects can be transferred to the next year, under condition to enter the exam the following year. ,Students can past pond any exam in illness condition
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم البيولوجية والجيولوجية|شعبة البيولوجيا|شعبة الكيمياء والكيمياء الحيوية|رابعة كيمياء وكيمياء الحيوية
  • 4- Every student is required to attend all lectures and practical lessons at least 75% of exercise,Each student must success in all studied courses,Failed students could be fired after two attempts in all courses or fail in not than two courses,Students failed in two subjects can be transferred to the next year, under condition to enter the exam the following year. ,Students can past pond any exam in illness condition
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
    1- WrittenA1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,
    2- PracticalA1,A3,A5,A6,A7,A8,A10,B1,B5,C1,C2,C3,C4,C6,C7,D1,D4,D6,D8
    3- OralA1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior Studentsالاستبيان و الحلقة النقاشيةكل الطلاب
    2- 2- Alumniندوة يدعى لها خريجي برنامج الكيمياء و الكيمياء الحيوة لمعرفة نقاط الضعف ونقاط القوة وما يلزم ذلك من تحديث في البرنامجخريجي البرنامج في الخمس سنوات الماضية
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)الاستبيان عن مدى مطابقة مخرجات البرنامج لمتطلبات الوظيفة المستشفيات العامة والمراكز الطبية المتخصصة و مديروا معامل التحاليل الخاصة
    4- 4- External Evaluatorلا يوجدلا يوجد
    5- 5- Othersلا يوجد
    Program Coordinators :
    الشحات أبو مسلم طوسون الفرحاتي