Faculty of Science

Model (No 12)

Course Specification : Physical Organic Stereochemistry

2010 - 2011

Farabi Quality Management of Education and Learning - 10/3/2025
University :Damietta University
Faculty :Faculty of Science
Department :الكيمياء
1- Course data :-
Code: 313ك
Course title: Physical Organic Stereochemistry
Year/Level: ثالثة كيمياء وكيمياء الحيوية
Program Title:
  • chemistry and biochemistry
Teaching Hours: Theoretical: 3Tutorial: Practical: 4
2- Course aims :-
  1. Intoduction to stereochemistry.
  2. General aspects of physical organic chemistry
  3. Identificatin of the chemical structure of unkown organic compounds.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :-
4- Course contents :-
1 Nucleophilic and electrophilic addition
2Rearrangments, Radicals.
3Neuman, Fischer formulas, confirmational analysis.
4Optical isomerism and optical activity
5Geometrical isomerism, Asymmetrical synthesis.
6Steroechemistry of alicyclic compounds.
7 Nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution

5- Teaching and learning methods :-
lectures in classroom

6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :-
  1. لا يوجد

7- Student assessment :-
A. Timing
1Oral questions every2 we.
2 solving problems4-6
3Open discussion 7-9
4Oral test 10
B. Degree
1Mid_term examination0
2Final_term examination60
3Oral examination 10
4Practical examination 30
5Semester work0
6Other types of asessment0

8- List of books and references
1private notes

9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course
SContentStudy week
Nucleophilic and electrophilic addition
Rearrangments, Radicals.
Neuman, Fischer formulas, confirmational analysis.
Optical isomerism and optical activity
Geometrical isomerism, Asymmetrical synthesis.
Steroechemistry of alicyclic compounds.
Nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution

Course Coordinator(s): -
  1. ممدوح عبد المنعم عبد الروؤف صوفان
Head of department: -
محمد محمد عبد الهادي مشالي