كلية العلوم
Model No.13
Programme Specifications
Physics and Computer science

Academic Year2009 - 2010
الفارابى لإدارة جودة التعليم والتعلم - 10/3/2025
University :Mansoura University Damietta Branch
Faculty :Faculty of Science
  • A- Basic information : 
    1. Programme titlePhysics and Computer science
    2. Programme typeMultiple
    3. Date of approval of the program---
    4- Department responsible for the program
    1 - الرياضيات / Faculty of Science
    2 - الفيزياء / Faculty of Science
  • B- Professional information : 
     1- General program aims 
    1- Recognize the role of Basic Sciences in the development of society.
    2- Develop scientific approaches that meet community needs considering economic, environmental, social, ethical, and safety requirements.
    3- Utilize scientific facts and theories to analyze and interpret practical data.
    4- Collect, analyze, and present data using appropriate formats and techniques.
    5- Postulate concepts and choose appropriate solutions to solve problems on scientific basis.
    6- Apply effectively information technology relevant to the field.
    7- Participate effectively in a multi disciplinary teamwork and be flexible for adaptation, decision making and working under contradictory conditions as well as exhibiting the sense of beauty and neatness.
    8- Adopt self and long life-learning and participate effectively in research activities.
    9- Deal with scientific data in Arabic, English or other languages.
    10- Understand, recognize, and describe patterns and make abstractions about them.
    11- 2.1.2. Draw conclusions about the real world using mathematical concepts.
    12- Find true statements that can be made about mathematical objects.
    13- 2.1.4. Apply techniques, tools, and formulas to understand an object’s attributes.
    14- 2.1.5. Recognize and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof.
    15- Create and use representations to model and interpret mathematical ideas. 16. Recognize and understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another. 17.Demonstrate a good basic knowledge of structural and functional aspects of physical systems at many spatial scales, from single molecule to the whole system. 18-Connect fundamental ideas about the physical behaviour of matter and energy to system’s structure and function.
    2- Intended learning outcomes (ILO'S) 
     3- Academic standards 
     4- Reference standards (Benchmarks) 
    1- the acadimic standers of the supreme council of egyptian Universities (NARS) 2009
    5- Curriculum structure and contents 
     a - Programme duration4 years
     b - Prgramme Structure
    1 - No of hours /No of Units :
    No of HoursPercentage
    2 - Basic sciences Courses :
    3 - Social sciences and humanities courses :
    4 - Specialized courses :
    5 - Other Courses :
    6 - Field training:Summer traning for 6 weeks
     d - Prgramme Courses
     -أولى علوم طبيعية / شعبة العلوم الطبيعية (لائحة 2004-أولى بدون حاسب) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    101كGeneral Chemistry22First Semster
    101كGeneral Chemistry22First Semster
    101فOptics - Electricity212First Semster
    101فOptics - Electricity22First Semster
    102رGeometry - Statics21First Semster
    102رGeometry - Statics21First Semster
    102فHeat and Properties of Natter Magnetism212Second Semster
    102فHeat and Properties of Natter Magnetism22Second Semster
    103رتفاضل عالى22Second Semster
    103رجبر21Second Semster
    101رCalculus32First Semster
    102 كGeneral Chemistry24Second Semster
    103كOrganic Chemistry2Second Semster
    104رDynamics32Second Semster
    102لEnglish Language21Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثانية رياضيات و فيزياء / شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء / شعبة العلوم الطبيعية (لائحة 2004) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    203رReal Analysis - Statics21First Semster
    203رReal Analysis - Statics21First Semster
    202فElectric Circuits and Electrostatics214First Semster
    202فElectric Circuits and Electrostatics2First Semster
    204فAtomic physics and Physical optics21Second Semster
    204فAtomic physics and Physical optics22Second Semster
    201رDifferential Equations21First Semster
    202رIntroduction to Statistics21First Semster
    201فThermodynamics212First Semster
    بدونHuman Rhights and General Principles of The Law2First Semster
    204رLinear Algebra21Second Semster
    205رSolid geometry21Second Semster
    206رDynamics42Second Semster
    203فSolid State and electronics214Second Semster
    -Computer12Second Semster
    202لEnglish Language21Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -ثالثة فيزياء وعلوم حاسب / شعبة الفيزياء وعلوم الحاسب / شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء / شعبة العلوم الطبيعية (لائحة سنة 90) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    315رNumerical Analysis- probability&Statistics41First Semster
    317رLogical Design21First Semster
    313فُElectromagnetic Theory21First Semster
    314فSolid State Physics2First Semster
    315فQuantum Mechanics21First Semster
    324فExperimental Physics6First Semster
    318رTheory of Diff. Equations Special Functions2Second Semster
    319ر, Logic&Number Theory Statistical Packages2Second Semster
    320رData Structures-Calculus of Variation412Second Semster
    304فStatistical Thermodynamics21Second Semster
    318فAtomic Physics2Second Semster
    309فNuclear Physics2Second Semster
    325فExperimental Physics6Second Semster
    302لEnglish Language21Second Semster
    316رComputer Languages Principles of Computer Science.Math. Programming22First Semster
    316رComputer Languages Principles of Computer Science.Math. Programming2First Semster
     b- Optional :  
     -رابعة فيزياء وعلوم حاسب / شعبة الفيزياء وعلوم الحاسب / شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء / شعبة العلوم الطبيعية (لائحة سنة 90) 
     a- Compulsory : 
    CodeCourse NameNo.of UnitsNo. of hours/weekSemester
    415رComplex Analysis2First Semster
    412رProbability&Statistics Math. Programming2First Semster
    416رSystem Analysis Database22First Semster
    401فQuantum Mechanics21First Semster
    416فProgramming and Computational Physics21First Semster
    417فElectronics2First Semster
    421فExperimental Physics6First Semster
    417رIntegral&Partial Diff. Equations2Second Semster
    419رTheory of Computers22Second Semster
    413فElectrodynamic21Second Semster
    418فElectronics2First Semster
    415فNuclear Physics2Second Semster
    422فExperimental Physics6Second Semster
    بدونEssay2Second Semster
    402لEnglish Language21Second Semster
    418رOperation Research Database22Second Semster
    418رOperation Research Database2Second Semster
     b- Optional :  
    6- Course contents 
    Review course Specification
     7- Programme admission requirements (according to bylaw) 
  • 1- النجاح فى الثانوية العامة ( رياضة 1 ورياضة 2 ) أو الشهادات المكافئة
  •  8- Regulations for progression and programme completion 
    Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم الطبيعية|أولى علوم طبيعية
  • 1- Pass in all courses or fail in one or two courses
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم الطبيعية|شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء|ثانية رياضيات و فيزياء
  • 2- Pass in all courses or fail in one or two courses
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم الطبيعية|شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء|شعبة الفيزياء وعلوم الحاسب|ثالثة فيزياء وعلوم حاسب
  • 3- Pass in all courses or fail in one or two courses
  • Mansoura University Damietta Branch|Faculty of Science|شعبة العلوم الطبيعية|شعبة الرياضيات والفيزياء|شعبة الفيزياء وعلوم الحاسب|رابعة فيزياء وعلوم حاسب
  • 4- Pass in all courses and all other courses which the student woild have failed during his or her study in the past 3 years.
  •  9- Assessment rules enrolled in the program 
    NoMethodAs measured from the intended learning outcomes
    1- Practical exams 30%----
    2- Oral exams 10%----
    3- Final written exams 60%----
     10- Program evaluation 
    1- 1- Senior Students-----
    2- 2- Alumni------
    3- 3- Stakeholders (Employers)questionnare---
    4- 4- External Evaluator------
    5- 5- Others---
    Program Coordinators :
    ناصر عبده عبد الرازق الغماز
    محمد السيد محمود غنيم