University :Damietta University |
Faculty :Faculty of Science |
Department :الرياضيات |
1- Course data :- |
| Code: | 303ر | Course title: | Electrodynamics | Year/Level: | ثالثة رياضيات | Program Title: | | Specialization: | | Teaching Hours: | Theoretical: | 3 | Tutorial: | 1 | Practical: | |
2- Course aims :- |
| - Understand, recognize, and describe patterns and make abstractions about them.
- use what they learn to draw conclusions about the natural world.
- mathematical find true statements that can be made about objects.
- apply techniques, tools, and formulas to understand an object’s attributes
- solve problems and build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving
- recognize and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof.
- communicate effectively, so they can interpret problems and present technical results to people with limited mathematics training.
- Recognize and understand how physical and mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another.
- create and use representations to model and interpret mathematical ideas.
3- Course Learning Outcomes :- |
| |
4- Course contents :- |
| No | Topics | Week |
1 | Electric field intensity | | 2 | Electric flux density and gauss’s law | | 3 | conductors | | 4 | Electric work | | 5 | Laplace’s equations | |
5- Teaching and learning methods :- |
| S | Method |
| السبــورة | | إعطاء الطلاب مسائل كواجب منزلى للتفكير فيها ثم مناقشة ما تعذر عليهم فى المحاضرة التى تليها | | أطلب من الطلاب قراءة المحاضرة الجديدة حتى يمكن تذكر ومراجعة المعلومات التى سبق شرحها في فروع الرياضيات المختلفة |
6- Teaching and learning methods of disables :- |
| - لا يوجد
7- Student assessment :- |
| A. Timing |
| No | Method | Week |
1 | المناقشة أثناء المحاضرة | ابتداء من أول محاضرة | 2 | اختبار منتصف الفصل الدراسى | السادس | 3 | مناقشة بعض التمارين | قبل الأخير | 4 | اختبار آخر الفصل الدراسى | الأخير |
| B. Degree |
| No | Method | Degree |
1 | Mid_term examination | 0 | 2 | Final_term examination | 90 | 3 | Oral examination | 10 | 4 | Practical examination | 0 | 5 | Semester work | 0 | 6 | Other types of asessment | 0 | Total | 100% |
8- List of books and references |
| S | Item | Type |
1 | Vectors & Tensor Methods, Frank Chorlton, 1976, London | | 2 | Field And Wave Electromagnetic, Davied K. Cheng, 1983, Canda | | 3 | Electromagnetic Field Theory, Be Thide et al, Upsilon Books, Sweden | | 4 | Classical Electrodynamics, J.D.Jackson, London, 1962. | | 5 | Principal of Electrodynamics, Melvin Schwarty, Kogahusha, London, McG Raw- Hill | | 6 | هندسة المجالات الكهرومغناطيسية و التموجات , د. آسر علي زكي- د. حسن كمشوشي 1986 – دار الراتب الجامعية. | |
9- Matrix of knowledge and skills of the course |
| S | Content | Study week |
| Electric field intensity | | | Electric flux density and gauss’s law | | | conductors | | | Electric work | | | Laplace’s equations | |
Course Coordinator(s): - |
| - نبيلة أحمد عبد الرازق البدويهى
Head of department: - |
| محمد أحمد أنور محمد الشهاوى |